Breakfast or not?

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Über Member
Hello everyone,
If any of you have been unfortunate enough to read any of my posts since joining, you will know I'm a fatty trying to get fit (and lose weight) with the aid of my new bike.
I was speaking to a keen cyclist who is adamant that breaking fast should be done after exercise and only when your body is telling you to eat, i.e. stomach rumbling etc. He swears by this and to be fair, he has lost loads of weight/ is as fit as a lop.
In my clueless, naive way I was always under the impression that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and should be eaten as early as possible to kick start your metabolism? In all honesty, I haven't a clue, hence my considerably less than svelte figure.
Since starting my new healthier approach, my breakfast tends to consist of fruit, in the form of apples and freshly squeezed juice. I would appreciate your views on when's best to have breakfast and some ideas for quick foods I could be eating. I have a funny feeling, I will be posting again soon, asking about lunch and dinner (dinner and tea for us northern folk) but for the minute I'd be grateful if one or two of you could share your breakfasting ideas with me.



P.S. If anyone has discovered a way of losing weight/ getting fit whilst consuming a huge, full English, four gallon of coffee and half a dozen pain au chocolat every morning I'll be your friend for life:thumbsup:


Senior Member
"Fat burns in the flame of carbs."

Eat as little as you can get away with. Ride slow and steady. Don't over-exert.

For commuting up to 20 miles, eat 2 kCals/mile before, and 3 kCals/mile after ( if you get hungry ).


Legendary Member
I always prefer to have my breakfast. I feel better for doing so.

My unscientific opinion is that calories in<calories out = weight loss and it matters little when you consume those calories.

With regards to a having a fry up for breakfast, it's possibly not as bad as you think as I have found drastically cutting my sugar intake has had huge benefits in weight loss and in other ways too even though I probably eat more fatty but non-sugary things. I think it's something to do with insulin spikes after eating sugar and the crash and the hunger that comes along with it shortly afterwards which prompts more hunger and need for more sugar.
Whatever floats your boat - common sense usually applies.

For me Mon-Fri I never have breakfast and seldom have lunch. The main reason for this is time pressure and laziness.I have a pretty normal dinner. I cycle about 250miles a week at a reasonable intensity. I fluctuate around 12-12.5st. It works for me but I don't particularly recommend it for others.


Eh up
tyred said

"My unscientific opinion is that calories in<calories out = weight loss and it matters little when you consume those calories."

The most sensible statement on weight loss, and exactly what I tell the wife & daughter when they take on the latest fad diets.


Go on, tilt your head!
I've always been told by various gym heads that you should eat breakfast as it kick starts your metabolism and takes your body out of starvation mode - hence allowing you to let go of fat again...


World class procrastinator
I always have breakfast whether just going for a ride, commuting or whatever or my legs get all empty and I feel a bit wobbly. There are exceptions to this of course, I have woken up to a gorgeous sunny 5am and just got up and gone out for a bit with a banana in my back pocket for a mid ride snack but as a general thing, breakfast is a daily affair whatever the ride or situation.

Not sure about this 2cal per mile before a ride. If I do my favorite loop of 11 miles just once, I would need to fine 22 calories beforehand. 1/3 of an apple maybe? then the rest of it after?


Über Member
If you were eating porridge before your ride it will hardly be sending you backwards. I would always eat before riding providing its sensible and not the full English.


New Member
I always eat breakfast - cereal plus a fruit - before my Saturday and Sunday morning cycle rides. Did the same when I was doing long runs for my marathon training.
There is a school of thought however that recommends not eating anything before a morning exercise session. The rational being that it will teach the body to burn fat rather than carbs. If you can learn to burn fat efficiently then you can go a lot further before refueling so may be useful if you are training for a 100 mile race or an Ironman.


It's largely immaterial in the grand scheme of things.

See equation above.

Cut the unnecessary crap out of your diet. I snack a lot but tend to snack on dried fruit and nuts. A couple of years ago this would have been bread/cake instead.


Insert witty title here
I always prefer to have my breakfast. I feel better for doing so.

My unscientific opinion is that calories in<calories out = weight loss and it matters little when you consume those calories.

Sorry but this is like saying it makes no difference whether you fuel your car with petrol, diesel, veggie oil, or whiskey. Your later comments re insulin spikes indicate that you really know much better, the body of course reacts massively differently to different types and quantities of food at different times, quality and timing of nutrition is much more relevant than number of calories for weight loss.


Insert witty title here

Depends what time you're riding, how far etc.

I'd say for example, get up 6.30, have a lemon squeezed into water first thing, get ready, have a banana, then go for a ride. After you're back have a proper breakfast, maybe bacon and eggs if you like, but with no bread.

Dietary fat is not your enemy, refined sugars and carbs are!


New Member
if you don't have breakfast then you probably won't be cycling very far and you definitely need more than fruit if your going any distance. .breakfast like a king lunch like a prince dinner like a pauper


Prize winning member X2
Im skinny and don't eat breakfast . I have a cup of coffee and then go on my morning ride . Its not far , 5- 6 miles in all with a rest inbetween if you call feeding chickens and watering green houses a rest .
I don't think I could eat as soon as I woke up so I have something at about 10- 11 am and then lunch at about 2pm or when ever I want it to be honest .
My evening meal would be meat , potatoes , carrots and anything else veg wise that I fancy . Normally about 8 pm although later in the summer as I pick it fresh and have to water the rest of the crops .
Ive taken to doing my bigger rides at the weekend ( 30-50 miles ) if I get time and always have a fry up before but then I need the fuel to burn off .
Its a tough call on the best diet as we are not all the same . I guess if you are used to eating breakfast then your body will tell you its hungry if you skip that meal ?
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