Can I post a bike question in here?

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Legendary Member
you should have arranged an hourly rate instead of a salary :okay:

Aye, but you have to give them an hour a year all the same. Why can't they make a clock that can keep time for more than 6 months? Bloody daft having to keep resetting it. One day, the bloke whose watch they set it to will have forgotten to wind his up, then what happens? How will they get us out of the suspended animation that must surely follow. Tell me that.


Leg End Member
ordinary cars are 4x2.. four wheels, two driven.

as for the millennium... it's not worth worrying about.... the calendars are all made up anyway and have been fiddled with when shown not to work. For me, it makes more sense to mark the new century at the *000 mark... only insane pedants think *001 is the correct and only way
*000 Would be the end of the previous century, we never had a year 0!


Smutmaster General
Are ordinary cars 8's or 4x2's?
This is a 4x2 :okay:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
*000 Would be the end of the previous century, we never had a year 0!
How do you know? Were you around when they started counting? Where 'they' around when they started counting?
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