Can't wait for the weekend

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Über Member
Rugby World Cup starts on Friday evening and then on Saturday I am going to do one of the Edinburgh Bike Co maintenance courses in Newcastle. Bit of a school boy error though as I will miss England's first game. :biggrin:
I thought this thread might involve sex.

Oh well. :biggrin:


Hugo15 said:
Rugby World Cup starts on Friday evening and then on Saturday I am going to do one of the Edinburgh Bike Co maintenance courses in Newcastle. Bit of a school boy error though as I will miss England's first game. :biggrin:

A mate of mine has done that course at Ed bikes in Newcastle and says its top so you should have a great time!

Big Bren

New Member
My kids are off to stay with their Uncle, so I'll be watching some rugby too, aswell as chilling out with Mrs B; we may even try staying in bed post 7.00am, which is normally unheard of round these parts.

On Sunday I'm doing the BUPA 10k run in Sheffield - looking forward to that!


Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I'm now on holiday at home for a while so my son wants to watch the Football and I want to watch the Rugby which means late nights for me. Think I may miss both to ensure a nice early ride in the mornings before the temps get too high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Going to MTB World Championships at Ft Wm with my excited 13-yr old son.

Managed to arrange a trial there on a Giant TCR1 - carbon, I think, so all is not lost !

Glasgow-> Edinburgh bike ride next w/e, so need to keep some miles going.

Bit of a school boy error though as I will miss England's first game
Don't worry, there may be some more ....:biggrin:


New Member
The rugy starts on Friday, the Veluta is live on Eurosport, the Tour of Britain starts Sunday, the MTB worlds are in Scotland and I have a new bike.

Guess it's going to be a very busy weekend.


Legendary Member
Don't forget Padfield Plum Fair.
The coal race is on at 5.00pm Sunday. This involves running up Redgate (steepest tarmaced road in the area) with a sack of coal.

See you there? :biggrin:
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