Cattle grid accident..advice always appreciated.

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Legendary Member
Hope you get well soon.

Grids always make me a tad twitchy but I have ridden loads and just take them at 90 degrees and a fair pace 15mph+. Never had a problem but no doubt having said that I'll bin it next time :eek:
Ouch, my sympathies Selly. I hate cattle grids, touch wood though I've only had one minor mishap one one, one of those narrow so called cyclist friendly ones :sad: My wheels slipped but in recovering I scraped the inside of my right arm on the wooden barrier, it took ages to heal :sad:
I came across some good ones in Rutland last month; the ungated main road bypassed them, if you wanted to use them you had to leave the road, I couldn't really see the point of them :wacko:


Bunny hop a small sewer grid yes , i cant see anyone bunny hopping a full cattle grid.

Bunny hopped one no problem, could of hopped over two but unfortunately it was on a bend and when i landed the only place i could go was straight over the oncomming fence:blush:


Well-Known Member
Get well soon. Guess you'll be off your bike during all this lovely icy weather!!

All the cattle grids I come across tend to be when I'm going uphill, I struggle to bunny properly going downhill never mind crawling along at 8mph. Cattle grids are definitely dodgey I can understand now why cattle and sheep avoid them.


Active Member
4 hairline fractures diagnosed in pelvis,6-8 week recovery, so I don't think I will 'just ride over them' again.Guess thats where I went wrong! Thanks guys!


Über Member
braver man than I gunger din - I get off and walk over
old pilots and bold pilots but no old bold pilots


Active Member
Really sorry to hear this Selly, I hope you make a good and swift recovery. Was this on Chailey Commons by any chance? The Chailey Commons Society might be interested and concerned to hear that a cyclist has come to grief on the new cattle grids. Are they round-profile bars? I only ask because The Gridiron randonnee around the New Forest goes over a large number of grids, but they all have rectangular bars iirc, and seem to ride perfectly safely if you cross at right-angles to the bars.

The Commons Society might be able to press for highways to change the grids if they could be made safer. It seems to me that the traffic calming measures across the commons are still being adjusted, with chicanes made of temporary blocks and new signage, so now could be the time to speak up.
Yes it was Chailey Common. I reported it to the council, who said they were sorry,and thought they were testing this particular grid, and would send someone out to have a look. Unfortunately,I am not sure what type of grid these are. Thank you for your advice.


Active Member
Yes it was Chailey Common. I reported it to the council, who said they were sorry,and thought they were testing this particular grid, and would send someone out to have a look. Unfortunately,I am not sure what type of grid these are. Thank you for your advice.
I also should have said, I did start with the Chailey Common Society first who redirected me.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
4 hairline fractures diagnosed in pelvis,6-8 week recovery, so I don't think I will 'just ride over them' again.Guess thats where I went wrong! Thanks guys!

Ouch! I hope you have a speedy recovery.

As NT said, I walk. Ever since an accident a few years ago when I was out with my Mum and she came to grief on one (broke her wrist and gashed her forehead), I just can't ride over them on two wheels, it's pretty much my only phobia.


Bexley, Kent
Nasty, hope you heal quickly Selly.

I took one look at the cattle grids on Dartmoor (round, wide spacing) when I was down that way, and decided in an instant to use the gate by the side. I'm sure people do it, but that woud be quite some bunny hop to clear the ones I went round. I'd need a ramp......

Trail Child

Well-Known Member
Ottawa, Canada
I hope you heal fast. What a nasty thing to happen. I had to google cattle grid to find out what it was, since we don't have them here. I think I would be quite nervous with them!
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