CC Ecosse (East Central) post-Freeze RV Ride 10/1A

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Still dragging myself out of bed, looked out the window, not too bad. Need to decide what clothes to throw on and I will be off in about 30 mins or so.

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
Cool I will see you at RV later on then ;)

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
That is me leaving now, I did not book it, but going to head there at a nice leisurely pace, seeing as this is really my first ride out for seven flipping weeks ( not counting the 20 miler I did this week :laugh:)

See you soon ;)


Home again, it was much easier heading south than north (downhill I presume xx() and I was home in no time. Great seeing you all. Despite the damp weather, it was a pleasant rider - managed 56 miles so feeling quite virtuous - just need to keep it up. It was a nice little cafe - see you on the next ride.

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
I am also home again it was lovely to see you all and a very pleasant ride out, despite a wee bit of rain, so good to be back in the saddle again.

See you all soon xx(


Senior Member
Nice to meet Gavin & Jane for the first time and Don and David again. Nice cafe, good cakes/coffee. Nice to get out again even if it was a wee bit damp. If the RV hadn't been on i'd have been on the turbo instead, so it's good to have that extra encouragement needed to get out there.

I've just uploaded my first ride with the Garmin 500 - not sure i believe the stats but they say:

Distance: 29.89miles
Avg speed: 17.2 mph
Elevation gained: 1260ft
Elevation lost: 1406 (something wrong here?)
Calories burned: 1404 (seems a bit high) - so no need to worry about the 2 cakes:smile:
Just recovered enough to post.

On Friday a chap at work who apparently knows the area and cycles said it would take me over 3 hours to get there, so being a simple man I decided to allow 4.

Cue 07:00 and me setting off. 1:30 to the middle of the FRB, so looking like it will be somewhere between 3 & 4 hrs. Finally arrived at 10:00 and since I wasn't expecting to meet anyone for at least an hour tucked into thier big breakfast helped down by 2 mugs of tea. While quietly digesting this Jane arrived, shortly followed by gavintc & Seamab. After another mug of tea and Mars bar cake I decided it really was time to leave. Unfortunately before scoosh could get there.

As gavintc was leaving at the same time (actually he waited for me) we set off together, but it was soon obvious that he is a ferret and by agreement he went on ahead rather than me holding him up.

Finally arrived home @ 16:00 after leaving somewhere between 12:30 & 12:45.

A bit of TLC for the bike and the batteries on recharge for Monday swiftly followed by 45mins in the steam booth and a quick shower.

A nice ride sandwiching a good chat. I like this format.


Touche said:
Just recovered enough to post.

On Friday a chap at work who apparently knows the area and cycles said it would take me over 3 hours to get there, so being a simple Fixie man I decided to allow 4.

As gavintc was leaving at the same time (actually he waited for me) we set off together, passing and waving to Scoosh as we left Milnathort but it was soon obvious that he is a ferret and by agreement he went on ahead rather than me holding him up.

A nice ride sandwiching a good chat. I like this format.
Yes, 'twas I - that tired :sad: and hungry-looking :wacko: rider :biggrin: with whom you exchanged greetings soon after you left the cafe !

I started out around 1000 and, as I cycled along, started to think how long it would take. I soon realised that my "1hr 30 tops" was from the far side of FRB :blush:, so I was mucho late getting to the cafe. Jane was still there (of course) - she wanted EVERYONE to see her wonderful new Blackberry :wub:. Quite right too - it's amazing tek. Seamab and I (phone dinosaurs both :smile:) looked suitably impressed. :laugh:

Despite the rain, I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and it is/was SO-O-O good to get out on the road and ride in the fresh air. :biggrin:

As gavintc has said, 2hrs 30 to get there, 2hrs 10 to get back. Is it the hills or the cakes .... :wacko:.

Sorry to have missed you two guys, thanks and well done for coming along.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Well good to see that some of you got out for a ride, I was dragged out shopping and now have to order the panniers on-line...


Über Member
Good news about the RV today, hope you all enjoyed the wide open spaces again after weeks of training indoors.

I managed 20 miles yesterday, the 1st since the end of October, and thankfully had no discomfort from Mondays angioplasty and stent implant.

Looking forward to getting back out and about with you guys soon.



Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that HM. I managed a wee recce on a future possible ride. Just need to find a cafe.
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