Children's names

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Cycling in the sun
When my kids were born we were asked by the midwife what we were going to call them, which led to a bit of a discussion around "traditional" names. She let slip that she had just delivered her first Teletubby, a Laa-Laa. Apparently the name was chosen as it was her big sister's favourite. This was in 1997, so the programme had been running about 6 months.
:eek: Hmmm I could have done that if I'd thought about it! I wonder what she is called now?


Legendary Member
If you work for the BBC and expect to see your name on the programme credits you need to make it stand out and sound arty-farty by inventing a pretentious way of spelling it. This means either make it Gaelic or just use stupid spelling:

Robert Sullivan becomes the original Gaelic Roibeárd Suileabhain.

Janet Jones becomes something stupid like Djanette Jownes.
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On a similar note I was passing a church recently and thought Oswald a great name. There are several other saints whose names you never hear anyone called nowadays.

It's odd at least the names of anglosaxon saints never continoued in use.

Some of us do share our names with Anglo-Saxon kings ;)

Go on....Edward, Alfred, Edgar or Harold?

I was thinking, Cuthbert isn't a name you hear much of these days.

I'm guessing as least partially as it'll finish up as Bert.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Whilst in a very drugged out state after the first was born I insisted his name was Merry Sunshine (I even have the tag that said that) thank goodness I was in no state to wander down the corridor to register him at that point :wacko:

The eldest does have "Ohana" as a middle name which causes some eyebrow raises... but that is for my Godfather who I was very close to, he was called Percy but with a "P" surname it would have been cruel to call him Percy P***Y so Ohana was used instead..


I was watching that obsessive compulsive cleaning show last night (in the vain hope it would inspire me to do more cleaning- it didn't) and was truly astounded.

Not by the absolutely filthy disgusting state of the mans stately home, the bird crap all over his furniture or the brown oozy liquid coming out his fridge.

No. I was astounded at the names of his two small children- or rather his daughter. The boy was called something like Raul but the little girl was called Beetroot. I kid you not. Beetroot. I mean, seriously?

I've heard some other weird names in my job: Atlanta, Willow and Nation. Nation, fgs. I thought that was the worst name I'd ever heard until last night.

Anyone beat Beetroot?

Jasmine is nice but if you put 'Live' in front of it, it reminds you of the pop-up you can't block. Knowing nods, knowing nods.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Some friends of our have named their 2 girls;
Layla Mercedes Natalia
Aida Hypatia
some of these names i have to check if they're real of made up (you know what i mean)...

Hypatia was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in Egypt, then a part of the Eastern Roman Empire. She was the head of the Neoplatonic school at Alexandria, where she taught philosophy and astronomy.

Yet another forgotten woman of science... good name!


Legendary Member
some of these names i have to check if they're real of made up (you know what i mean)...

Hypatia was a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in Egypt, then a part of the Eastern Roman Empire. She was the head of the Neoplatonic school at Alexandria, where she taught philosophy and astronomy.

Yet another forgotten woman of science... good name!

and murdered by Christians for been a brainy girl I believe.

And Mercedes IS a girl's name. I believe Herr Benz (or was it Herr Daimler) named the car after his business partner's daughter
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