chiropractor or osteopath?

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What say you?

I've been suffering with my back since early summer and whilst I've rectified a lot of the pain with regular stretching I feel there's a spot deep down I can't get to.

It's not a new problem and I've used an osteopath in the past, one's retired and well, the other didn't really help much so I'm on the search for another.

So whilst pondering who to spend my money on I thought I'd throw myself to the knowledge of the forum and seek your wisdom?


Firm and Fruity
Having a history of back problems from playing rugby, I would say use a sports physiotherapist. But then I dont know your problem. Mine was eventually shown to be muscular and posture related.

I found the Chiropractor to be next to rubbish, a few clicks and cracks here and there but no route cause analysis.

The sporst physio gave me massage amd exercises to sort my back out, and it was much better as they dealt with the cause of the pain in the first place.


Having a history of back problems from playing rugby, I would say use a sports physiotherapist. But then I dont know your problem. Mine was eventually shown to be muscular and posture related.

I found the Chiropractor to be next to rubbish, a few clicks and cracks here and there but no route cause analysis.

The sporst physio gave me massage amd exercises to sort my back out, and it was much better as they dealt with the cause of the pain in the first place.

A physio is another thought.

Ben M

Senior Member

Whilst the other two might treat the symptoms, a physio will find the cause and sort it from there.

It isn't even necessary to spend your money, your GP should be able to refer you.



Whilst the other two might treat the symptoms, a physio will find the cause and sort it from there.

It isn't even necessary to spend your money, your GP should be able to refer you.

Yes I can certainly get a referral but I'm not sure of the wait or the treatment frequency plus my GP is inundated with my problems at the moment, it's been a summer of collapse. If I were a dog they'd shoot me.


Legendary Member
I've had back problems too over the last 12 months. I started with a chiropracter & it worked well, then through work I've had 2 courses of physiotherapy (with different physios) I'm happy with the treatment & advice from the Chiro. The first Physio got some results, but I was off work & getting plenty of rest at the time & the 2nd physio made very little difference. All 3 offered different advice & exercises to help, but I finally seem to be getting my back somewhere near right.
Maybe worth signing up to Groupon if you arent already as recently in Hull there's been some offers for physio & chiro treatments :thumbsup:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
i started seeing a chiropractor about 10 years ago... £35 per half hour session... my second visit cost £35 for 25mins... 3rd visit cost £35 for 20 minutes.... I didn't return to see if he'd charge me £35 for 15 mins because he did feck all in the first three sessions :angry:


Let your doctor decide on the treatment, chiropractors are not paid on the nhs as the treatments have no scientific basis so you should rule them out imo .


What’s the point
Let your doctor decide on the treatment, chiropractors are not paid on the nhs as the treatments have no scientific basis so you should rule them out imo .

the NHS couldn't do anything for my shoulder , neck and knee pain. an intesive treatment course at the chiropractor eased the pains and I am a lot more flexible than I was.

the mumbo jumbo about treating astma etc i don't beleive for a second but for joint pain then it works for me.

I was cynical to start with and didn't give anything away as to what was wrong. I waited for the chiro to examine , take Xrays and make his conclusions as to what ached where and why. he told me i had been in 2 major accidents about 10 yrs apart and which body part had been injured when. He was spot on with the diagnosis and the cause.


the NHS couldn't do anything for my shoulder , neck and knee pain. an intesive treatment course at the chiropractor eased the pains and I am a lot more flexible than I was.

the mumbo jumbo about treating astma etc i don't beleive for a second but for joint pain then it works for me.

I was cynical to start with and didn't give anything away as to what was wrong. I waited for the chiro to examine , take Xrays and make his conclusions as to what ached where and why. he told me i had been in 2 major accidents about 10 yrs apart and which body part had been injured when. He was spot on with the diagnosis and the cause.

One thing that dosnt ring true with this story is why would a medical proffessional (I use the term loosely ) start x-rays before knowing your medical history ?


Physio for sure..

Osteopath almost crippled me for life after a misdiagnosis.

Physio made me pain free for the first time in 20 years.. Although the pain returned shortly after each session.


World class procrastinator
I see a DORN practitioner fairly regularly. She doesn't 'crack' my back but administers gentle massage and she has kept my sciatica at bay for a goodly time now. I have had more relief from back pain seeing her than I have from OTs, Physios, Chiropracters and Osteopaths put together.
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