Classic youtube replies

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
Not a bad reply, but a comment from someone who claims to know the driver in this video:


RowanneSmile 12 hours ago
No look, everyone who thinks this guy is a nutter is wrong, the man driving that truck is my grandad, hes been driving for over 40 years, he got told off and warned for this, you could've had him fired before he wanted to leave work, I'm sure he has more road experience than you, and dont call me biast, but its the truth, stop this now 'monkey' because its causing un needed attention. You almost put a 62 year old man off the only career hes got, for doing nothing but overtake you. Think about it
CyclingMikey 5 hours ago
Doing nothing? That was a homicidally dangerous overtake, IMO. Driving like that should most definitely receive attention as it is incredibly dangerous to cyclists. If it's a one-off, then fair enough, I'm sure your grandad (really?) will learn from it, and won't likely overtake a cyclist like that again.
I suggest you remind him that there are thousands of us with video cameras now. We're not prepared to put up with this kind of driving any more.
monkeysnutscom 5 minutes ago
If the person driving had been fired, then that would have been an overreaction from the company. All I wanted was to bring it to the drivers' attention that the overtake was dangerous and poorly planned.
Experience on the roads has nothing to do with how you drive or your attitude on the roads.
RowanneSmile 2 minutes ago
right, well I'm not going to get any more involved, but I'm just saying. I dont want this going any further so, I'd appreciate it if you get rid of my comments, I dont want to argue.
I find it very odd that they want me to remove comments.


New Member
Nice of you to be horrid to a thirteen year old girl behind her back.Look I want to end this, I'm sick of arguing. I dont appreciate that your making a forum about my responses.


Über Member
Nice of you to be horrid to a thirteen year old girl behind her back.Look I want to end this, I'm sick of arguing. I dont appreciate that your making a forum about my responses.

You are the youtube poster? Some effort of you to find this forum, and then find the post. I admire your tenacity.

We didn't make a forum to mock you. We didn't even make a new topic. We have not said anything personal about you. And quiet frankly you started it.

Take my advice, just learn a lesson from this? You cannot defend the indefencable. While you might want to protect the lorry driver, his driving put a vunrable road user at serious danger. He'll be a better driver for it.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Nice of you to be horrid to a thirteen year old girl behind her back.Look I want to end this, I'm sick of arguing. I dont appreciate that your making a forum about my responses.

...and we're not picking on you here. Think of this topic as a place to find the more interesting youtube responses we've seen. I also don't think Matthew was being horrible to you here.

+1 on admiring your tenacity and resourcefulness. Well done, those skills will serve you well.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Nice of you to be horrid to a thirteen year old girl behind her back.Look I want to end this, I'm sick of arguing. I dont appreciate that your making a forum about my responses.
Look, I admire that you feel a responsibility to stand up for your grandfather and I appreciate that you dont want people to view him in a low light.
The video doesnt show him or have his personal details in it. Noone knows that it is him. The video shows the driving of the company and the vehicle, not the driver. The reason I reported it to the company is that driving a vehicle the size it is is not acceptable.

It is over and done with and I apologise if I have caused you any discomfort.

Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
Rushing into a pinch point and taking risks.yet again.I get this day after day myself and try to keep my wits about me and predict how the idiots are going to behave.


Evidence based cyclist
Not a bad reply, but a comment from someone who claims to know the driver in this video:
Experience on the roads has nothing to do with how you drive or your attitude on the roads

Not sure I agree with that.


Evidence based cyclist
Okay, experience does affect your driving because you get into habits. What I meant was that experience doesnt mean you are a good driver.

I agree with that.

In general, I think an experienced driver will be better than a new driver, but obviously there's a wide range of competence.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I agree with that.

In general, I think an experienced driver will be better than a new driver, but obviously there's a wide range of competence.

Yes, and a wide range of ability to learn with experience, and ability to exchange learning with lazy and easy bad habits.


extimus uero philosophus
Nice of you to be horrid to a thirteen year old girl behind her back.Look I want to end this, I'm sick of arguing. I dont appreciate that your making a forum about my responses.

Around 15 cyclists a year die because of actions such as displayed by the driver you say you're related to.

These videos are not personal attacks. They're a campaign for tolerance and consideration. Your grandfather showed severe impatience that could have killed someone, in my view its classed as Dangerous Driving (as it fulfills the legal requirements) and he was lucky the Police were not involved.

When you're older you might come to understand why people like us write the letters, make the videos and try and raise what ever awareness of these issues that we can. It is to prevent death and injury, even the most "caring" man or woman driver should fear the enemy within and do everything they can to avoid putting others at risk.

I hope that you do read these replies and understand our concerns.


Evo Lucas
Let my guard down at a pinch point a while back and got an uncomfortable pass.

Almost worth it for this comment:
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misterpihtoo 2 days ago
And how much room did you give him when you overtook. You see this is the arrogance of cyclists. I'll bet you'll say " I don't need to give him space" Do unto other as you would have them do to you. No wonder everybody thinks cyclists are cXXXs.
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