CO2 it worth me getting one (and other questions)

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I'm not experienced enough a cyclist to use CO2, that'll be the reason
I'm not saying your not just pointing out that a few psi is neither here nor there and certainly not worth holding club mates up while you pump away and certainly not worth bothering about on a cold wet day.


Legendary Member
Agreed. If othhers are waiting for you it's good to be back on the road as soon as possible. Keep the pumping and messing around for later, back at the workshop.


Senior Member
I bought a Co2 inflator just over a year ago and it's brilliant: I've not had a puncture since. Seriously, I'm thinking about just letting one of my tyres down so I can at least have a go at using one! On a some-what unrelated topic higher quality inner-tubes are really worth the extra money, and of course they have proved cheaper in the long run (these were purchased at the same time as the inflator. ;))


Legendary Member
As you say each to there it own but it doesn't really matter whether your tyres are 108 or 110psi and any experienced cyclist knows from feeling a tyre how close to the correct pressure the tyre is.
Dont you just kick the tyre to check the pressure.......or is that where Ive been going wrong :smile:


Always carry a pump with CO2.

A while back, on a ride with a couple of others. Both of my C02 cartridges failed (found out later that there was a bit of old metal canister thread in the inflator), meaning I had no other means of pumping up the tyre if I didnt happen to have the pump with me.

This is a good point as I found out on the reverse yesterday and not for the first time with me carrying two pumps one of them failed.Have now ordered a replacement but CO2 could be a good backup.
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