Confrontation with a motorist: I did nothing wrong this time

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Legendary Member
Why should I feel scared of the consequences of just commenting on the driving of others?

This driver is not going to look at cyclists any differently as a result of this incident.

1. because some people will not take kindly to "some gobby kid" insulting or challenging them. Sooner or later you will do it to a thug and learn the hard way. Modify your behaviour now.

2. How do you know he is not?

you have said elsewhere that you are autistic - I take it you are at the Aspergers end of the autistic spectrum and find adopting/interpreting appropriate interpersonal behaviours difficult? I think you would be wise to listen to the wise advice given by many on here and to not dismiss critical comments as simple bullying.
So when that driver nearly wiped me out at Stratford the other week,what should I have done?

Just said thankyou and walked off?

Yes,it's on utube.


Living Legend & Old Fart
Good spot, but was the ar$ehole comment really necessary? :headshake:
That comment was wrong - he forgot to add ''complete and utter`
Today (21st here) is the longest day of the year and how appropriate to have the longest load of drivel on here!
If I am turning lwft, I unclip my left foot, slow down, roll up to the junction - checking all the time - if the road is clear move swiftly away as l am sure a lot of you do so why is cariad bach (OP) spending such a long time at a traffic free junction? Waiting for a youtube moment?
Some posters on this thread seem to have short & selective memories! Some ''people on bicycles' on here - i am not calling them 'cyclists' because they are not - post threads on this forum and sometimes videos where they either 'chase down' (their words) or catch up with motorists in traffic and start a confrontation. If you think the motorist's actions are wrong, why don't you think yours are?


Active Member
Speaking of cutting corners, had this the other day.

Good sir, please tell me your secret.

Being on the receiving end of worse driving that Matthew T's, how did you refrain from being a cock, getting into an altercation with the driver and then making them chase you down? Are you some sort of wizard Benb?


Evidence based cyclist
Good sir, please tell me your secret.

Being on the receiving end of worse driving that Matthew T's, how did you refrain from being a cock, getting into an altercation with the driver and then making them chase you down? Are you some sort of wizard Benb?

I don't think Matt was a cock, and IMO you're out of order for saying that. He in no way "made" the driver chase him.

I did in fact give the driver a look and shake my head, so I could easily have found myself in a similar situation, had the driver been the type quick to anger.

Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
Good sir, please tell me your secret.

Being on the receiving end of worse driving that Matthew T's, how did you refrain from being a cock, getting into an altercation with the driver and then making them chase you down? Are you some sort of wizard Benb?

That could be a problem if he was positioned to do a right turn.(I mean the BenB video,that looked worse)


Legendary Member
Good sir, please tell me your secret.

Being on the receiving end of worse driving that Matthew T's, how did you refrain from being a cock, getting into an altercation with the driver and then making them chase you down? Are you some sort of wizard Benb?

I think that MattT probably has enough advice now. I rarely confront motorists these days, and only if they are in the process of causing me physical danger (when a shout normally suffices). But I understand the frustration with poor driving though - one does get to a zen like acceptance of anything but the worst. Stuff like cutting corners isn't the end of the world - unless someone is coming up to turn right when it might be the end of the world for someone. I get this more in a car than on my cycle so I think it is more laziness and poor habits than anything else - which is what a lot of poor driving amounts to.

But I have to say that MattT hardly made the driver in this instance stop the car to exchange verbals, then turn the car around and chase him down to block his path and then give it the "Goodfellas spiel". In my mind the cutting the corner is much less worrying that the driver's reaction afterwards. I just don't get this kind of behaviour. A small incident warrants this as opposed to the driver muttering under his breath and continuing with his life? I do kind of worry for people who need to do this, especially a man who looks fairly mature offering up a fight to a kid. One would hope life experience would have enabled some maturity in this situation, but clearly not.

What does the driver get out of this in the end? He told off a teenager and in the process has managed to get himself filmed and this sent to the police. If what is being said about insurance on this car is true, the driver may have managed to get the attention of the police whilst not lawfully driving, which isn't the cleverest thing to do in the world if they don't want a big fine and points or a ban. Even with insurance and the correct documents who needs the hassle of police visits and deliberations on prosecution simply because someone said something they didn't like? And as I mentioned previously the driver should consider that they don't know who they are dealing with on the cycle - there are nutters on cycles as well as in cars. All for a comment that the driver didn't like? Seems crazy to me and it does worry me slightly that people who are this highly strung are driving around.


Nr Cambridge
I cannot beleive people are agreeing with the drivers actions. Yes cutting the corner is minor and a non-incident, but I only passed comment. It was up to the driver to infuriate things. I wasnt expecting or anticipating anything less than the car just driving away.
The reason I passed comment was that the corner cut was very large and someone could have been coming from the other direction.


Blimey 12 pages!

I have read the first 6 then skipped to last.

SilverFox's post at #117 seems to encapsulate everything.

You are young perhaps idealistic seeing things in black and white. I am not ciriticising you but what could be the outcome of such an altercation with a driver about their poor driving? Realistically they are NOT going to thank you for criticising their poor driving are they? So they will be hostile whether men or women drivers, old or young will take your remark as a slight against them. Once the mercury starts to rise and the red mist comes down you are suddenly very vulnerable. Stuff like this simply doesn't matter. It's not worth it. The driver is right. His bad driving didn't affect you. It's not excusing his behaviour but it didn't. What then follows could have become very ugly and was obviously scary for you. If you want to continue confronting drivers then take up boxing as at some point you will have to defend yourself.

We all want to see you live to a ripe old age, have lots of kids and grand kids. Let stuff like this go. It really doesn't matter. It's a hard and nasty enough world without attracting trouble and risking becoming a statistic. Hopefully you are a quick learner because if some one decides you are being a little too cheeky or critical you could be caused some serious harm. Are you trying to put the world to rights or be some sort of pseudo policeman as I just don't see what your intial reaction to this driver achieves?

Anyway the driver forcing you stop and then threatening you seems to me to have amounted to a variety of public order offences. Were there any witnesses? Always have an escape route. I would have been riding on the pavement straight away to try and get away.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Anyway the driver forcing you stop and then threatening you seems to me to have amounted to a variety of public order offences. Were there any witnesses? Always have an escape route. I would have been riding on the pavement straight away to try and get away.
That was an option. I am taking the footage on a disc into the police station tomorrow so they said they would check for witnesses and other vehicles who might have seen something.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
People are starting to repeat themselves now, especially with how long this is going on for.

The opinions I have collated and generalised are that 1) I shouldnt have muttered under my breath so loud that the driver could here. 2) The "See ya" comment was uncalled for. 3) I handled the confrontation well. 4) The driver was a tool and should be punished for pursuing me. And 5) I need to learn to ignore everythinng on the roads and just concentrate on my riding, even if people put me and other people in danger.
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