Coronavirus outbreak

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Come off it bridges in London have been lined with police cars and fire engines and the public, your not telling me they all live in the middle of a bridge or the po po just happen to have been crossing it at the time. It was an organised event by the authorities at the least. Not a case of applauding the NHS and essential workers but a case of self congratulation and being seen to be doing it, That is what grates my tits, that and BJ and his tart in their country residence, don't care if he is recouping he shouldn't have been allowed to travel let alone her, if I go into self isolation or recovery I know couldn't travel to my country residence, one rule for one...

That's a very all embracing post. Rightly or Wrongly Boris Johnson - the police and the fire service aren't imo the general public - at times they may have to break social distancing.

If you want a stick to beat Johnson with - how about shaking hands with CV patients - or allowing 250,000 people to assemble at Cheltenham - days before the lockdown....

It would be a brave Bobby/fireman/policitan who slates 60 seconds of appluase for the NHS

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So the PPE from Turkey has been held up so wont be arriving today.
The RAF are on standby incase it get's held up in the next few days.
So if that's the case why not fly it back in first place :rolleyes:
It's only illegal when it doesn't support the official narrative, hence why police, ambulance, fire service and general public can gather in a public place with no spacing to clap on a Thursday night. Everyone knows viruses take a break at 7.55pm for 15 mins, right?
Well i don't think that had anything to do with a narrative, or conspiracy from anyone. It was just daft. The cock-up theory in action.
It's getting too much, Doctor, nurse, cleaner whatever, it's their job and like every other job, it's not sunny every day. We'll be clapping firemen for attending fires next. It took off with some army guy saying the building of a field hospital was their "Somme", it should have been called out right there and then.
First couple of times it was OK - but now I think it's being used to cover asses.
So the PPE from Turkey has been held up so wont be arriving today.
The RAF are on standby incase it get's held up in the next few days.
So if that's the case why not fly it back in first place :rolleyes:
Question is was it ever arriving today. Or was it just another thing for MH to say .?
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Question is was it ever arriving today. Or was it just another thing for MH to say .?
Well that's the question funny how when Hancock was getting in the neck in the morning he never said anything.
Then as if my magic hours later we got told about it.
Until it arrives and is unpacked and tested it go good to anyone anyway.
Last week a massive orders on it's way from China turned out to be only 24,000

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
One reason the UKgov only counts hospital deaths, they're trying to hide the true numbers, which may be 5 times the official figure.

As of 19.04.2020 the official UK death toll is 15464. If thee claims in the article above are correct, that would put the actual figure at over 70 000. The Italian death toll is 23227 and Spain is 20043. Germany, which does include care homes, is currently reporting 4924 deaths.

No amount of blaming people for not following the guidelines can cover this.

This is just scaremongering I'm afraid."Could be","May be", "Might be", "Estimate", "If" somehow translates as "Govt trying to hide figures".
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That's a very all embracing post. Rightly or Wrongly Boris Johnson - the police and the fire service aren't imo the general public - at times they may have to break social distancing.

If you want a stick to beat Johnson with - how about shaking hands with CV patients - or allowing 250,000 people to assemble at Cheltenham - days before the lockdown....

It would be a brave Bobby/fireman/policitan who slates 60 seconds of appluase for the NHS

It's the fact they obviously travelled to a pre arranged spot! And as for the po po not being general public, I can't think of a worse group of people deliberately flouting gathering laws when it is the po po who are then going to mingle with the greatest cross section and number of the general public. If any group of people should be practising social distancing and avoiding unnecessary contact then it is the popo
It's the fact they obviously travelled to a pre arranged spot! And as for the po po not being general public, I can't think of a worse group of people deliberately flouting gathering laws when it is the po po who are then going to mingle with the greatest cross section and number of the general public. If any group of people should be practising social distancing and avoiding unnecessary contact then it is the popo
What would you have liked to happen ?

The gathering to be broken up

The gathering to be broken up whilst the police practice social distancing ?

In general the stay at home message is being well observed in a country of 67m those disobeying it are numbering hundreds - per a police spokesman.

We are loosing around 800 people a day and our NHS staff are running out of protective equipment - a few people standing on a bridge for 5 minutes tops - shouldn't IMO being anywhere near the top of things to worry about.
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