Credit where due to Halfords

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Tom B

... Or Credit to me, from Halfords.

I am normally a bit of a critic of Halford's, however they have today got me out of the mire.

Whilst playing out on the MTB managed to pick up what I am thinking must have been a a pinch flat. Having whipped out my repair pouch I found two tubes, neither big enough, jet valve but no gas, split links for the wring bike and a broken chain tool, no phone and even the emergency fivers had gone (to the pub at christmas)! At that time I was 4-5 miles from civilisation and about 12 miles from home on a rather bleak northern moor. At this point I had a choice head towards town for a hope of a blagged repair or head towards home - heading towards town meant I'd be going the opposite way to home.

I freewheeled some of the way with my weight on the front and walked the rest of the way to the nearest town without a bikeshop in sight. I thought I'd try my luck at the local Halford's, figuring that if they wouldn't help, I ask them to have a look at a warranty issue on the bike and leave it with them for a taxi home..

The lads in the store bikehut couldn't have been more helpful, they changed the tube, made noises about the ding in the rim (from a previous incident) and sent me on my way with nothing more than my word that I would return to pay in a couple of days. Normally I'd be upset at paying £13 for essentially an inner-tube, but on this occasion its worth it. This meant I was able to make the per-arranged birthday meal, i would have otherwise missed.

I am not going to name the store just in case they get in trouble, but this is great service - Thanks lads.
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Just make sure you hold your end up and go pay them.

My local branch are fantastic. Very knowledgeable, competent at bike repairs and what the spec of items are however they are let down by the poor stock choices.
Tom B

Tom B

Just about every person on the bikehut place in Halfords has been friendly and helpful.
I've not had to ask for help, as you have, but I reckon they'd still be the same... helpful

In fairness the staff are usually great, or at the least.well meaning. But usually let down by the system. I was very pissed to find having walked four miles after work to collect a part ordered online a part quoted as being in stock and having received emails to say it was ready for collection to learn it was and had never been instock.

The other shocker is they don't seem to carry basic parts for their own bikes. Today they had a Boardman on the stand for a new RD and were on the phone to the power saying they'd have to order one. They didn't carry pads for my Boardman.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
I've found the same from various bike shops over the years. Halfords, I wheeled my mtb in a few years ago with a frayed cable end. Being a cheeky chap I asked if I could borrow some cable cutters and crimper's and if they had a spare ferrule. All duly handed over for me to do my own repair. Have also stopped at various shops to borrow missing tools, ask advice and nick a bit of carbon grip for a slipping seat post. All jobs that cost pennies and any decent soul would feel guilty at charging for.


Legendary Member
I've found the same from various bike shops over the years. Halfords, I wheeled my mtb in a few years ago with a frayed cable end. Being a cheeky chap I asked if I could borrow some cable cutters and crimper's and if they had a spare ferrule. All duly handed over for me to do my own repair. Have also stopped at various shops to borrow missing tools, ask advice and nick a bit of carbon grip for a slipping seat post. All jobs that cost pennies and any decent soul would feel guilty at charging for.

If a shop does not charge how will it pay the bills.

Maybe the OP seems extremely poorly prepared.


Senior Member
Some years ago I opted for a Boardman and was impressed with the service and set up of the bike and have been going back to one Halfords or another ever since . I have also had repairs done at a LBS and if they broke into a smile or had a friendly tone I must have missed it . Presumably when I looked in my wallet for my debit card.


Legendary Member
True, but sometimes the kudos and good press you might get on places like this and by word of mouth outweigh the small cost incurred.

You will also have your time wasted by people why would use your goodwill but not spend.

Undersell and over deliver and charge has worked well for me for over 40 years.
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