Cycle computer

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I was putting one of my rides in the cyclogs and I have noticed that according to my cycle computer I have done more Km then what is on cyclogs.
My computer says I have done 463.05 and on cyclogs it says i have done 462.63.
I have put all the rides on there.
Can anyone explain this ?


Über Member
South Norfolk
0.42km - you're talking about an error of 0.09%

I've not been on cyclogs - is it map based? Could be down to when the cycle computer kicks in after being stationary (position of the magnet relative to the sensor when starting might give an error of up to 2 metres), or if it is map based the software might calculate the route based on the middle of the road.
I wouldn't worry about that small a difference. My guess cyclogs is map based too? based on distances down the centre of the road, whereas the computer counts the actual distance the wheel takes where you're on one side of the road, don't actually take the straightest route down the road. The inputed wheel size might also be slightly out or isn't appropriate for every cycle of the wheel but yet again I wouldn't worry about it.
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