CycleChat The Novel.

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
An N+1 was a great idea, but he'd only gone and bought a pedalo.....


Legendary Member
Or would she renew the restraining order?

Back at the accident scene, Inspector Biggs was questioning Accy the Butler.

"What is the capital of Nicaragua?", asked the Inspector.

"Why, its Managau", replied Accy the Butler.

" Smart arse!" Yelled Inspector Biggs, and gave Accy the Butler a stiff back hand on his face.


Legendary Member
Meanwhile, in the land of the sane, Postman sat rocking in his straitjacket. He'd been sectioned for saying out loud "I love Donald Trump." He vowed it would be the last time he took a dare from Drago.


Lord Drago emptied his pockets, every brass farthing..
Four, if only he could lay his hands on one more. Accy came to his rescue, the fifth farthing. Drago set to work in his shed, four farthings were adroitly fashioned into a penny and with the last one in place Lord Drago donned his helmet and pedalled off into the sunset.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
The dare seemed straight forward, but Mr Postman, revealing his innocence, had missed the spending clues.
He had been told he was being paid a large sum of money to entertain Carol Vorderman and she wouldn't be imposing her considerable maths skills on him. He was to be put up in Yorkshire's only 4 star hotel, on a full board basis for a weekend and that he would have an expense account. The only proviso being the delicious Carol, had to be completely satisfied by the time she left Mr Postman on Sunday afternoon.
His weekend experience began shortly after checking into the hotel.....
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