Cycling by Beer

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Tin Pot

MapMyRun reckons I burn about 1500 calories, unfortunately I'm a lightweight so I'd be dead drinking that. Two bottles of red and I'm staggering off coast-bound to invade France, or that's what they tell me anyway.


Well-Known Member
Pints of Carling?


I thought that, but it seemed churlish to say. ;)

Seriously though, I picked beer, and specifically one of my commonest tipples, to put the bare number of calories (not that I'd trust Garmin's estimate to better than +/- about 30% truth be told) into a perspective. Usefully, a Mars bar is about the same as a pint calorie wise which is another useful comparison.

[Meander]It makes you think though; over a year, average 2.5 times a week (some weeks I miss a day because annual leave or shite weather so use the train and only do a third the distance in the saddle) = c. 130 days commuted, so 130 days x 750 calories x 2 ways = 195000 calories. At around 1000 calories per 100 grams, that's 19500 grams, or 19.5kg of fat. As a weight loss regime, that's hard to beat. 19,5kg/12 = 1.625kg a month, which is a very sensible rate of weight loss - one that would take considerable effort and self-denial to do through diet alone*. The great thing about cycling for this versus going to the gym is that if it's 14 miles each way, you have to do all 14 miles, however you feel. If you go to the gym it's easy to think it won't matter "just this once" if you only do 2 miles on the treadmill instead of your usual 3 and use the shorter program on the cross trainer etc. etc.[/Meander]

*Real life weight loss figures likely to be less because you'll eat more.


I used an app called 'my fitness pal' when I wanted to lose some weight. Basically it's a calorie counter that takes into account the calories you burn through exercise.

If you religiously record everything it does work. I would regularly ride extra miles to 'allow' myself extra beer on a Saturday^_^


I thought that, but it seemed churlish to say. ;)

Seriously though, I picked beer, and specifically one of my commonest tipples, to put the bare number of calories (not that I'd trust Garmin's estimate to better than +/- about 30% truth be told) into a perspective. Usefully, a Mars bar is about the same as a pint calorie wise which is another useful comparison.

[Meander]It makes you think though; over a year, average 2.5 times a week (some weeks I miss a day because annual leave or shite weather so use the train and only do a third the distance in the saddle) = c. 130 days commuted, so 130 days x 750 calories x 2 ways = 195000 calories. At around 1000 calories per 100 grams, that's 19500 grams, or 19.5kg of fat. As a weight loss regime, that's hard to beat. 19,5kg/12 = 1.625kg a month, which is a very sensible rate of weight loss - one that would take considerable effort and self-denial to do through diet alone*. The great thing about cycling for this versus going to the gym is that if it's 14 miles each way, you have to do all 14 miles, however you feel. If you go to the gym it's easy to think it won't matter "just this once" if you only do 2 miles on the treadmill instead of your usual 3 and use the shorter program on the cross trainer etc. etc.[/Meander]

*Real life weight loss figures likely to be less because you'll eat more.

I would agree with all of that. Beer is not particularly fattening on in moderation but the weight gain comes from sinking 10 or 12 beers a night that's 6 litres of fluid (that in itself will add weight) or almost 3,000 calories and that's before the take away at the end of the night.

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I think more about food when I'm cycling to work insofar as I'm planning my meals for the day because I need to fuel up for the ride home. But when I take the car, I'll buy a horrible sandwich and maybe something from the canteen in the evening or a take away on the road home.

And as you say, the fact you have to cycle to get home is a powerful motivational tool.


Über Member
I'm one of those annoying bastards (for now) who has such a ridiculously high metabolism that I could drink and eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted without putting on a pound. Now I've started cycling 100+ miles a week I have to drink at least 15 pints a week just to keep my weight up.

So anyone who ever says this cycling lark isn't a hard slog clearly doesn't know what they are on about.
I used an app called 'my fitness pal' when I wanted to lose some weight. Basically it's a calorie counter that takes into account the calories you burn through exercise.

If you religiously record everything it does work. I would regularly ride extra miles to 'allow' myself extra beer on a Saturday^_^
MFP is rubbish at estimating your calorie requirement though. You have to set a 'physical activity level' no one ever gets it right.
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