Cycling Camera use.

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Senior Member
East Devon
After two recent near misses with cars, one pulling out in front of me on my commute and one cutting it really close when overtaking on a Sunday ride, I decided that a camera may come in useful in the event of an accident.
When researching cameras I came across several articals saying that cameras used by cyclists following an incident can inflame the situation and also escalate things very quickly, sometimes to the point of violence !
I don't want to jump on the anti-car band wagon ( I drive more than I cycle, sadly) but dash cams are considered a good thing for car drivers but some see a cyclist with them as militant crusaders and only intent on using them to stir up trouble.

Anyone on here experienced hostility when their camera is spotted ?
Are they useful or do they create more trouble than they are worth ?


Legendary Member
I think much of the problem is people too quick to get in others faces and shout that its all recorded cos they have a camera. If the worst happens keep that little gem to yourself.
... cameras used by cyclists following an incident can inflame the situation and also escalate things very quickly, sometimes to the point of violence ....
Ummmm - no. Definitively? NOPE!

That said, there are one or two You-tubers whose competence and attitudes are ...... "questionable" (:eek:)? And whose competence and attitudes can, and do, escalate situations.

See what I did there? Tain't cameras that escalate the situation, ime :smile:. Just nobbers (including me occasionally - nothing quite like seeing yourself being a tit, on your own bloody video!).

Point being twofold

- cameras are useful for evidence;
- cameras are useful for assessing your own riding, judgements, and (:sad:) mistakes.
I just started using a headcam after various incidents,( kicked off bike by youths on a moped, recieved broken wrist and hand, young twat on a bike in another incident tried barging me off) before I was a fairly anti camera person and did not like to think I was being filmed going about my lawful business, but enough was enough after some guy nearly right hooked me and when I complained he turned off , changed his mind and came back for seconds . Some people will attack you if you don't have a camera, but if they do at least you have it on film.
I have gone for the stealth approach, my headcam looks like a torch ( Replay XD) . Arriving this week is a Fly12 and a Fly 6 to attach to the bike, which have lights built into them and also look like lights.
Last week I have chatted to 2 other cyclist as I pootled along for quite a while, neither realised I had a camera. Early days for me but no one seems to notice mine.
I think much of the problem is people too quick to get in others faces and shout that its all recorded cos they have a camera. If the worst happens keep that little gem to yourself.

This is the trick, and a very powerful tool

If there is an incident with a liveried vehicle, taxi, or similar - DO NOT mention the footage

What happens next is the driver will make claims to support their driving, and the manager will reply

That is the point where you prove that not only was the driving unacceptable, but that the driver has lied to their managers.... and you can challenge that

Managers hate being put in this position.

I have had half a dozen drivers dismissed.

Tragically the lies have been more of a factor than the driving, but still effective


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
After some close shaves with eejits and imbecile drivers I bought a Virb camera. I use it on road rides as a back up in case of any issues. It's not a discreet camera by any means and is quite obvious on the handlebars. On several occasions it has been a good thing to have but I've not gone down the youtube shouty vigilante route though, there's enough of them already without me adding my bit, though I did post one vid on the Northants Police website in the hope they'd have a quiet word with one particular chap before he killed someone.
I also use it for recording some off road 'fun' rides with friends for the amusement factor.


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
i have a camera mounted on the handlebars, it is used on every ride. I don't review the footage, i rarely take the memory card out of it BUT it is there if i am ever involved in any kind of incident so effectively, like having insurance, it gives me peace of mind.
Carefully used. cameras can also prevent accidents

Classic in my case was a left hook

Car overtaking whilst signalling left, and no real space to avoid

Get eye contact, driver sees camera... and the driver behaves, and pulls in behind you

I have lost count of the number of times the presence of a camera has prevented an acident


Legendary Member
This is the trick, and a very powerful tool

If there is an incident with a liveried vehicle, taxi, or similar - DO NOT mention the footage

What happens next is the driver will make claims to support their driving, and the manager will reply

That is the point where you prove that not only was the driving unacceptable, but that the driver has lied to their managers.... and you can challenge that

Managers hate being put in this position.

I have had half a dozen drivers dismissed.

Tragically the lies have been more of a factor than the driving, but still effective
I'd give that a like but it has resulted in people losing their job - Not good.

On the other hand if it gets them off the road. :okay:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
If you want something cheap, look at SJCAM or Qmox. They use the same mounts as gopro, so you can mount one under the bars.

I've been using QMOX M10's at £23 for MTB'ing and a new SJCAM M20 which is about £80. The quality on both is great. The M10 comes in 3 versions, but the M20 is brand new and will do slowmo, 2k and 1080p at 60fps
I'd give that a like but it has resulted in people losing their job - Not good.

On the other hand if it gets them off the road. :okay:

It is about perspective

I did not deprive them of their job, they did by their actions.... they chose to drive unacceptably and lie about it

After 50 years I would like to consider myself as an experienced cyclist

My personal opinion is that if I feel that if I get them off the road, I can prevent a new cyclist or inexperienced cyclist from being traumatised


Legendary Member
It is about perspective

I did not deprive them of their job, they did by their actions.... they chose to drive unacceptably and lie about it

After 50 years I would like to consider myself as an experienced cyclist

My personal opinion is that if I feel that if I get them off the road, I can prevent a new cyclist or inexperienced cyclist from being traumatised
I completely agree but I was thinking about the effect on their family, after all they're not going to tell the wife and kids "Oh I lost my job by driving like a dickhead and then I lied about it" are they.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I bought one a little while ago. I find it gives some possibly false peace of mind that if something bad happens I might have some evidence.

One particularly bad close pass I reported online to the local police. They reviewed the footage and still shots, agreed that the standard of driving was pants and met with the driver for stern words of advice !

One down, eleventy thousand to go but it has already made a small difference. is where I have uploaded the videos which I felt were worth retaining.

I don't have sound on the videos as inside the waterproof case the camera picks up next to nothing anyway.

Mine is on the bars, it is more discreet and less likely to injure me in a fall.
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