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The correct dismount occurs at 00:58 seconds into this video. dellzeqq of this parish is the only person I have seen do such a thing. Try it. As Arch has intimated...ladies can get their leg over, just like the male of the species.


Corn Fed Hick...
Seen that before teef, it's great isn't it. Hark at us in lycra and all that nonsense and these chaps and chapesses are wearing plus-fours and stuff, all jolly fine fellows!


Legendary Member
The correct dismount occurs at 00:58 seconds into this video. dellzeqq of this parish is the only person I have seen do such a thing. Try it. As Arch has intimated...ladies can get their leg over, just like the male of the species.

I've seen it before but love that video. I was born in the wrong era:cry:

To Pat, on the vast majority of bikes, you won't be able to put your feet on the ground with the saddle at the correct height for efficient pedalling. The only one I have come across where it's possible is my 1960s Batavus but that is a combination of lower than usual bottom bracket height combined with frame geometry so laid back that it's in danger of slipping into a coma.


True! Problem is I fell off a LOT when I was a kid and it didn't hurt, now I need to be careful!
It didn't hurt when you wher a kid.My gosh,you were some superhuman ,no seriously
I usually never fall off my bike but if i slip on water or in the bathroom:B)


In Disguise!
Aye, but eventually don't I have to dismount, like, when I arrive at destination? :wacko:
Great thread.. am guilty of the short saddle as I'm new to riding and wobble on setting off and worry about not reaching the ground. Had already planned to move my saddle up but will do so for sure, got a new bolt today so will make it more accurate.

As for the getting off, I have a ladies mountain bike but as I ride horses it's easier for me to get off saddle to the front - then swing my right let up and over... imagine you're dismounting a horse and you won't hit your bike.

I doubt you'll ever see me on a bike in a dress / skirt - but I have mused with a very lady like vintage bike for the future so if that happens I'll master the art of a ladylike dismount. lol

How you finding the seat height these days?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you resurrected this thread I've enjoyed reading through it :smile:


In Disguise!
Well update is... saddle has now got a new bolt to it, and I've put the seat up two fingers width. I'm going to get a new stem for it but will get used to this then put it up again if need be. Downside is.. can't ride at the moment as she's undergoing an overhaul - for the next couple of days. :sad:


In Disguise!
The correct dismount occurs at 00:58 seconds into this video. dellzeqq of this parish is the only person I have seen do such a thing. Try it. As Arch has intimated...ladies can get their leg over, just like the male of the species.

this is incredible! It's no wonder less people travel by train and bikes when there is less support. I remember trains where the bike went to a guard and they took it into the guards carriage.. old slamming doors etc, but i was born in the 70's so then came modern trains and squeezing a bike on to a main carriage and people frowning at someone with a bike.


In Disguise!
2 years and a stable of 5 bikes later I'm jumping on and off the saddle like a grasshopper, dear BatGirl,
@Rickshaw Phil's advice was indeed spot on!
The bike you see in my avatar, Mrs. Doubtfire, is a heavy dutch style clunker, ideal for when I want to wear a dress on a bike :girl:
haha now I'm getting the vibe you are addicted ;)
Grasshopper is a great image too - complete with Lara Croft style accent and moves! ;)

My bike is chainless wiating for new tyres to arrive but has her seat 2 finger widths higher now.. god help me hope I don't forget and fall off when I get back on her!
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