Cycling Photo Challenge - Entries and Chat

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My Armchair
When did you get a Brompton??



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I remember you wanting one , but I missed you buying one! Congratulations, welcome to 'the fold' :biggrin:

Cheers! I mentioned it in the Tea thread (hence some people's rolling eyes...), but haven't got round to bragging across the whole forum yet....

I rode it into work today, longest ride on it (3 miles) since I got it. Felt great!

For a few days, I felt strangely complete. Almost as if N+1 had ended.

But today I've been reminded that I want a bamboo bike, so that's ok again....


My Armchair
Cheers! I mentioned it in the Tea thread (hence some people's rolling eyes...), but haven't got round to bragging across the whole forum yet....

I rode it into work today, longest ride on it (3 miles) since I got it. Felt great!

For a few days, I felt strangely complete. Almost as if N+1 had ended.

But today I've been reminded that I want a bamboo bike, so that's ok again....

Really? Don't think anyone noticed ;)

With all this talk of toy bikes I've forgotten what the topic is or when the cut off date is :wacko:


Somerset UK
Cheers! I mentioned it in the Tea thread (hence some people's rolling eyes...), but haven't got round to bragging across the whole forum yet....

I rode it into work today, longest ride on it (3 miles) since I got it. Felt great!

For a few days, I felt strangely complete. Almost as if N+1 had ended.

But today I've been reminded that I want a bamboo bike, so that's ok again....

How about a bamboo Brompton?

If you got bored with it you could put it outside and grow flowers up it. Or peas. Or beans.


West Somerset
T'was a close call but the winner is ........................

Arch's accidentally arty shadow shot.

Over to you!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
T'was a close call but the winner is ........................

Arch's accidentally arty shadow shot.

Over to you!

oooooh! How exciting. I really don't know... gosh. I mean, I hadn't got a speech or... Anyway, I'd like to thank my Mum, and Andrew Ritchie, and... oh gosh!

Right. This is a theme I've had in my head since this thread started, but hadn't ever won before...

Decay. It seems rather appropriate, sadly, but interpret it how you will - natural, urban, just plain rust. Including a bike, of course, but the bike needn't be decaying.


West Somerset

Not my bike, I hasten to add!


Cycling Excusiast
Cheers! I mentioned it in the Tea thread (hence some people's rolling eyes...), but haven't got round to bragging across the whole forum yet....

I rode it into work today, longest ride on it (3 miles) since I got it. Felt great!

For a few days, I felt strangely complete. Almost as if N+1 had ended.

But today I've been reminded that I want a bamboo bike, so that's ok again....

I've not been in tea for ages!!

Fantastic news!

Now my inevitable question to every new bike owner - what is it's name and is it male or female?
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