Cyclists an easy target.

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Mrs M

Poor guy, riding along minding his own business. :sad:
Broken pelvis is a horrible injury.
Hope they catch the perp' and the victim makes a good recovery.


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I wouldn't say cyclists are an easy target.
Any pedestrians could easily have suffered the same outcomes as the 2 cyclists you mention...and I'm sure many across the country do.
The advantage we have over peds of being on a bike is that even I as a slow 10mph avg speed cyclist can outpace an a**hole on my worst days.
I'd say you'd have to be either stupid or sure of yourself to pass a gang of 20 year olds though whether on wheels or feet.


Both stories are disgusting, who knows why idiots do what they do. I hope both guys make a speedy recovery, although a broken pelvis sounds particularly nasty.


Eh up
I'd say you'd have to be either stupid or sure of yourself to pass a gang of 20 year olds though whether on wheels or feet.

Its a sad state of affairs when a risk assessment is required to pass people, I think they appeared out of a side street as he was passing, he didn't even have time to swerve out of the way, he did say they ran off like naughty schoolboys.
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Legendary Member
I had to leap on to the grass verge last week while walking homewards in the dark, as a car approached the driver made no effort to deviate and avoid me. Suddenly self preservation was more important than identifying the vehicle which had carried on before I could see the registration:sad:.
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I had to leap on to the grass verge last week as a car approached in the dark and made no effort to deviate and avoid me. Suddenly self preservation was more important than identifying the vehicle which had carried on before I could see the registration:sad:.
On the bike or on foot? Did you get hurt?


Legendary Member
On the bike or on foot? Did you get hurt?
On foot, not hurt, just annoyed!
Thanks Pat, I have edited my post.


It's hopefully not another new craze like the stupid one punch thing that went around for a while, as hitting someone who is totally unaware is the height of bravery..


Legendary Member
At school it used to be thought funny to take a big book and wallop somebody on the head. Amazed nobody was hurt.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
At school it used to be thought funny to take a big book and wallop somebody on the head. Amazed nobody was hurt.

Or pull a chair from behind someone as he was going to sit down.

That happened at my school to a lad who was badly injured and spent best part of a year mostly in a wheelchair.

Happily, he made a more or less full recovery, but it took a long time.


Eh up
Not wanting to alarm anybody, but recently a a van passed a local cyclist and flagged him down, they knocked him out and made of with his Cervelo, never to be seen again.


Legendary Member
I remember some years ago a bobby in the West Mids thought it would be hilarious fun to undo the seat QR on a lady officers work bicycle. It's was funny until she was taken to hospital with career ending spinal injuries, and he was fingered for GBH and sacked.
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