Daftest first ride?

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Senior Member
Afternoon all

After buying my first road bike a few weeks ago and a few sessions on the rollers today was the first ride out, with a mate who hasn't been out riding for 10 years (I haven't been on a bike properly for nearly 20 years).

I was dubious about going as I had fever and man flu symptoms Thursday-yesterday and my legs felt like lead at work (I'm a postie) but thought sod it as I really wanted to get out.

So, we (he) suggests Holmfirth, we live in the south of Sheffield so it's a 45 mile round trip. 'Go on then' said I, we can always turn back if we're knackered.

So, we get there without any massive trouble though my thighs are feeling dead on every incline, they start to give up long before my lungs do!

We have a nice cup of tea, then we decide to ride up Holme Moss. Which, given the state of my thighs is slightly wrong. Anyway, I got up it with numerous stops but I never got off and pushed. (Massive kudos to the fixed gear riders we saw going up it both directions!)

Then it was down to the Woodhead, a difficult ride home and we ended up doing over 57 miles with over 4,500ft of climbing.

Not only that but there was a vicious headwind almost all the way there, and apart from a section of the Woodhead where it was behind us, all the way back as well! It was so violent at the top of Holme Moss that it nearly pushed me off the road. When I was actually moving anyway :whistle:

On the plus sides - I did it, I have hardly any aches (yet) which at least shows the bike setup stuff I looked at must have helped in some part. I was never cold either and the bike was absolutely faultless.

Oh, but my ar*e bones will attest to the fact that Sheffields roads are the worst EVER!

Will I be going out again next weekend? Yes! Will I be doing 57 miles next weekend? Christ no!

Oh one last thing, is it normal for your legs to give up long before you're out of breath? I'm just wondering how much of the struggling on hills I can put down to illness, as it was so frustrating having to stop when I wasn't tired but my legs just wouldn't go any further!


Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
May have to do with your job, what with your legs always being tired from standing all day. I worked in Photolabs for 20 years, and have varicose veins as well. I am the only person I know of that rides a bicycle in support hose. It may be that support hose may help. Bicycling is good exercise for that, as well.


Norven Mankey
Well done, Holme Moss isn't an easy climb in any conditions and with today's headwind it would have been really hard.

I was similarly stupid on my first ride about 4 years ago. This was on an Apollo Halfords hybrid, no cycling gear. Glossop over Snake Pass down to Bamford. Tyre blew out and I had no spare tube etc and only had a fiver so I had to get a train and rely on the pity of the guard


Senior Member
Thanks for the replies, I'm going to have nightmares about the hills tonight tbh! My legs are shot now, not aching at all but they just feel really weak.


Senior Member
I fell off the rollers a couple of times at first, cost me a new ironing board as I trashed the old one falling on it! They're ok now I'm used to them though, only took a few days.


Legendary Member
Well done on completing the run. Pain in the legs can be minimised by 'spinning' - riding in a lower gear and turning your legs over a bit more quickly. This lets your heart and lungs take more of the strain, but when you are not used to cycling it's hard to know where the balance is between grinding and spinning. Keep up the good work - you can only get better.


Well-Known Member
Great effort mate. On one of my first outings I decided to try the Glossop area. Bad idea, there is a reason they call it the Peak District. My legs were testimony to that on that fateful day! I've built up my fitness a bit more now and am more confident. It's all about time on the bike. You're arse will soon toughen up and you'll laugh when you look back on this post in 6 months time :giggle: nice work fella, keep up the good work!


Senior Member
Well done on completing the run. Pain in the legs can be minimised by 'spinning' - riding in a lower gear and turning your legs over a bit more quickly. This lets your heart and lungs take more of the strain, but when you are not used to cycling it's hard to know where the balance is between grinding and spinning. Keep up the good work - you can only get better.

Thanks for the advice! The problem came when I couldn't even spin 34/28 up Holme Moss! I'd like to blame illness but I honestly don't know if it was that, the fact my legs just aren't used to it and had died after 25 hilly miles or a combination of both.

It was really frustrating, as fitness wise I reckon I could have climbed all the way up without stopping but my legs said no.
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