Dedicated turbo bike - any pointers?

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@JhnBssll Great set up sadly don't have a garage. Have a spare room however and as the bike will spending most of the winter in said room. mmmm :whistle:
Then again Mrs 73 has given the green light to n+1 so adding this idea maybe pushing it. Saying that we already have a projector and a white wall. ;)


@JhnBssll Great set up sadly don't have a garage. Have a spare room however and as the bike will spending most of the winter in said room. mmmm :whistle:
Then again Mrs 73 has given the green light to n+1 so adding this idea maybe pushing it. Saying that we already have a projector and a white wall. ;)

So have you run the idea past Mrs 73 yet? :laugh:

I had a mini-win with the projector today; I've got it plugged in to an SVGA splitter so one of the monitors and the projector are fed off the same output from the PC. I noticed yesterday that the monitor its spit from was quite dim compared to the main display so had a play unplugging things. Turns out with the splitter and both display and project plugged in both screens dim significantly; if you unplug the monitor the projector gets brighter and clearer and vice-versa. With this new knowledge I found a powered splitter on amazon which arrived today - all plugged in and now both monitor and projector are working at the correct brightness with no distortion :becool: I was already pleased with the projector and it just got better :laugh:

I've also just completed week 2 of the 6 week FTP builder. Really enjoying it, and I've seen and added a few fellow CCer's so hi if you've noticed me :laugh: I had a go around the new york course this afternoon, pretty impressive. There seems to be a lot more detail in the newer courses compared to the original Watopia :okay: Not that I spend a lot of time looking :laugh:

I did manage to nearly fall off last week... That would have been an epic fail :laugh: I'm not even sure how it happened - the massive projector is quite immersive and it was near the end of a workout so I was getting tired... Shifted my weight and next thing I know I'm up on one leg of the trainer :laugh: It made me jump enough to center my balance and carry on as if nothing had happened. Fortunately I've got a blind up so nobody saw :shy: I watched it back on the CCTV and it was mildly entertaining but I'll not be telling the wife as she'll no doubt take the mick :laugh:


Not yet no yet she was only saying tonight she can’t keep up with all this bike stuff. So have to time it right and when I’ve work out how to sell the idea. ;)

Sounds like you are well away though.
The Defy has now been converted to ultegra and back on the Kickr core

Still waiting for bits to arrive ,but the TCR is all stripped down and waiting
I rather enjoyed installing Di2 to my Bianchi. It was my first foray into electronic shifting but I've just ordered the first bits to get the mountain bike upgraded :becool::laugh:

I'm just getting the parts together to go DA di2 on the Ridley Helium and I'm already looking at how to go di2 on the Light Blue which is Hydraulic brake equipped and externally cabled;looking at sprint shifters,XT mech and keeping the shifters as just brake levers.

All bonkers really and it doesn't help working in an LBS with colleagues egging me on:rolleyes:.


I just had to take the turbo bike down and pack the turbo away; I'm away for a few days and the wife has arranged for her friend to come over to watch films in the garage... I even got told off that the turbo is too difficult for her to take down on her own, and that I should have made it all easier for her to use... :surrender::laugh:


I swapped the saddle over today to a San Marco Aspire Dynamic. It was on offer and has the cut out in the middle. For some reason I'm not getting on with the Charge Spoon, despite finding them comfortable on my two commuter bikes - I suspect due to spending long durations in the same position with little movement. This was causing numbness right where you don't want it :blush::laugh: After a bit of stop start making small adjustments it seems better regarding the numbness but less comfortable overall. It's slightly narrower so might take some getting used to. I'll keep with it for the time being, it was cheap so I've not lost much if I decide to change again but decided it was worth experimenting :laugh:



I gave up on the Aspide and am now trying a few sample saddles from my lbs. I'm sure I'll find one that suits soon enough :laugh:

In exciting other news I just retook the FTP test after 6 weeks of structured training. I scored 197 last time I took it so was fairly pleased with a score of 241 this time round :becool: I think I'll have a fairly easy week next week then sign up for another training plan :laugh:
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