Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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disabled rider

At the risk of speaking for Canrider, I believe he was asking you why you couldn't just wheel your bicycle around the people in their mobility scooters, or whatever it is they are in/on.

Thanks for clarification.

I have tendency to loose balance, when fatigued, if I am "off center" related loss of balance with the hearing loss, those that have significant loss of hearing know what I am talking about.. example (leaning to side or trying to hold a heavy load balanced like 60-80lb in my totes on the handle bars of bike like groceries while walking besides bike)

Also tried to explain, that if I walk besides my bike with said groceries, the tires kick out hard to the side, if its not perfectly balanced, anyone near by could be potentially hurt including me. result from "pendulum effect" I have learned if I stay on the bike my own body weight, keeps enough traction on the tires to completely prevent the tires from kicking out to the side, and at the same time i stay perfectly centered vertical so I don't loose balance due to my inter ear. It was a trial and error, to find what works, with what is available.

So I can clearly pin point when the change happened now, it was when smoking was banned from our building. For awhile the smokers, started smoking right at the entry way. This caused significant problems, for those who had breathing issues, including myself. It turns out, when a building is smoke free there is a 25ft clear zone around all entry ways. (When smokers were around the entryway, they were no where near the sidewalk or traffic path.) So when the management started enforcing the law, they set up a designation smoking area 50 ft from building, where they were not impeding traffic. They could not be any closer because of the air intake to the building and a gas main that comes into the building 25 ft from the door.

Well the people smoking, don't want to go to the designated area, so they started illegally loitering on the public sidewalk in large groups choking the sidewalk off. With total disregard to others using it. which includes the same people, who were having breathing problems, due to second hand. The designated area was away from those who would suffer from the second hand like those on oxygen.

I had come up with an "adaptation for my needs" to the walking my bike.(This works fine for distances of 1 block. but not really feasible for further distances..) I stay on the bike and I have my seat low enough that I can walk it, that way, so that at least one foot is on the ground at all times , no coasting, I can not move faster than I can walk and it also provides 3 point balance, 2 tires and 1 foot, "tripod" of single object. bike also has 3 points of contact to me instead of the 2 if I was walking besides the bike. two hands and butt.

Management of our building is happy with the "adaptation" because it provides the greatest safety with all involved. And even had told the residents to leave me alone about it.

The residents "mold of how things work" is that the "adaptation" is still riding, due to belief that because my butt is on the seat. with total disregard that my feet are walking me, with the balk of my weight on my feet, with NO COASTING, with the bike balanced between my legs that keeps the whole load centered and grounded.

Now that the conflict moved to the "Public" sidewalk Management has no say anymore. until I am officially on the property proper.

Following is sidewalk use related only:
See the management had adapted its policy to accommodate someone with needs. They followed the ADA title 3 because they provide enough services to be considered a public accommodation, in the public areas of our building. The state has not, despite the ADA title 2 in its "discriminatory policy". I called the Department of Justice to confirm this regarding title 2 policy. If the city doesn't do anything to adapt its policy, so as "not" to exclude I am to report to the DOJ , so they can look into it.

You see the state, accounted for those who have difficulty "physically moving" like "no legs" etc. "classed as ambulatory impairments" But they failed to accommodate those with auditory, sight impairments, etc, who use different forms of mobility devices like bicycles, Trikes, tadpoles, segways, utility bikes, etc. Most of these are hell of lot cheaper than say "power chairs" or "4 wheel scooters". And scooters and power chairs are useless for outdoor winter, unlike bicycle or utility bike, using "4 wheel scooter" and power chairs out door in winter voids most warranties. and those paid by medical coverages forbid their use in winter outdoors, where snow and salt, destroys them. By the way. the amiability impaired. can use modified bikes, example "hand pedal" on the sidewalks, Why do they get to do it, if another person with impairments involving say balance due to the significant loss of hearing, uses a trike, but is not allowed since its not considered ambulatory?

these are permissible on sidewalks http://www.thescooterstoreonline.com/luxury-scooters.html which are in more of a 'car' class, than pedal power bicycles are. top speed of this one is 9.3 miles an hour http://www.thescooterstoreonline.com/sportrider.html This one 8 miles an hour http://www.thescooterstoreonline.com/vita.html Most would consider this speed too much for sidewalks. so at the end of the day what is the difference between the 2 wheels vs 4, when used by those who have impairments?

I am pretty sure UK has similar issues, and is so normalized, that people don't even realize it is happening. "exclusion factor form of discrimination.

disabled rider

disabled rider

At least you haven't got idiots like Atos operating in Minnesota http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-19844675
Actually we do, its called the SSA "social security administration", I know this personally, my case in particular, and many like myself. SSA uses many loopholes, Like the "rehabilitation act 1974" where if the number of jobs available are high, your not disabled, which overrides medical evidence and detailed letters by doctors. loop holes like that override and disregard the fact that your not able to perform for various reasons. Use previous year income despite the fact you may have become disabled overnight, also excludes you. To justify exclusion from being declared, under disability insurance. Took me 5 years and humiliation, homelessness, etc. The unwritten rule of SSA, is keep as many people off as possible, exploiting any legal loophole possible, without violating the "written letter of the law"

disabled rider

You never read the whole of part 4! These laws are not overly dramatic!

Subd. 3. Clinging to vehicle. Persons riding upon
any left.gif bicycle right.gif , coaster, roller skates, toboggan, sled, skateboard,
or toy vehicle shall not attach the same or themselves to any
street car or vehicle upon a roadway.

Subd. 4. Riding on roadway or shoulder. (a) Every
person operating a left.gif bicycle right.gif upon a roadway shall ride as close as
practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except
under any of the following situations:

(1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding
in the same direction;

(2) when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or
into a private road or driveway;

(3) when reasonably necessary to avoid conditions,
including fixed or moving objects, vehicles, pedestrians,
animals, surface hazards, or narrow width lanes, that make it
unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge.

actually I did, read it and asked at city hall. you ride as close to the side and only move away from side to go around pot holes, drains, only time you don't ride by curb is in the designated street parking areas , where you ride in the space where the door would be if it is open as far right as possible.. The stretches in between you move back to the right. (the reasoning for this is to not obstruct flow of traffic) I just did not post it all because it really would have ballooned my post even worse than it was. I was also trying to address the use of sidewalks specifically for disabled people.

I did address those points you added. in another post as a reply to another member here on the proper way in which to ride the streets here. I was trying to show the conflict of the "have all the rights of a car when riding the street" which conflicted with the "MUST ride as far right as possible" unless going around objects or moving to turn left.

subs 4d was related to sidewalk riding specifically which is why I said pay particular attention to that and not the rest.

I did get clarified about the authorized by city to ride sidewalks in business district. the city take is that no business district and no areas posted as no biking. I am now in process of making a appeal to the city under the ADA title 2 policy accommodation.
For use of the sidewalk for any sensory based impairments.


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disabled rider

I'm not sure if this has been suggested already, but is there not another route you can cycle thus avoiding these problem neighbours? :smile:

Believe me I wish there was, problem is they will push the issue regardless from what direction I come from. Only thing I can think of as to why they are doing this, is my reference to their lives being miserable, so making someone else lives more miserable than themselves, makes themselves feel better. I believe that's the definition of bullies right?

If I give in at all, it "enables them""bullies" to push the issue even farther away from the building, to include all the down town business district.

I can quote what several of the residents have said in various forms, This quote is given to me in various forms, when I address some of their behavior that is harming people around them.: "I am so close to the end of my Life, I do not care, if my actions harm other people", even their own children and grand children.:cycle::banghead:<--- aptly describes dealing with them...

disabled rider.


Senior Member
I wasn't talking to you DR. It was 'Mangaman' If you had looked properly, you would see that i qouted him in my post, thus refering to the comment he made.:thumbsup:

disabled rider

So it boils down to an issue - specifically - with your neighbours. Okay, so how do you feel us members of the CycleChat community can help with this?

no its an example of a wider issue, discriminatory policy against disabled riders. not just here but around the world. What I am trying do, is get the wider community, to realize that actions, are being taken so casually and commonly, that its become so normalized, that they don't even realize or do realize that they are excluding people with certain types of needs. which goes against things like the ADA and the Equality act. the link about "Atos" is good example.

I am also trying to encourage people to look over the policies and try to put themselves in other people shoes who those policies impact and determine if those policy is putting those people with needs in unnecessary danger or excluding them all together.

I am trying to address the local one locally, I just think it is selfish of me, to only have the rules changed just for me and not have the rules changed for all of the people that find themselves in my shoes. Where they are having the right to take care of them selves blocked by discriminatory bike policies. When it comes to using bicycles as their main or sole transportation needs.


Senior Member
Your to blinked to listen to anyone else. You have had a lot of good comments and advise, but your to fixated on what you want to hear or see to take any of it on board.

Once again this is the UK. The things that effect you do not effect the UK.

With that said, i am out. Not much point offering any help or advise to someone who is incapable to of seeing nothing but there own agenda.


Cycling in the sun
But the rules in the UK are different, for example we are free to not cycle in the gutter as you suggest that you are restricted to.

And how well the rules are enforced will vary too. Theoretically no-one even a two year old is allowed to cycle on the pavement. In reality, no one is going to force a toddler to cycle in the road, and children can probably get away with it until they are teenagers. And beyond that you get adults cycling on the pavement (not on shared pavements), and although you get tutting from individuals including other cyclists, on the whole I would say it was tolerated.

I would say it is better to work at getting the rules changed where you are and then to become an example of what it can be than to try and change the entire world. You know one small step at a time becomes more manageable.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I would say it is better to work at getting the rules changed where you are and then to become an example of what it can be than to try and change the entire world. You know one small step at a time becomes more manageable.

I very much agree with this point. Think global, by all means, but act local.

disabled rider

Have you considered forming an action group in your area that could involve other people who have similar issues. By banding together and presenting your case as a group you might get more notice taken of the points that you raise. Authorities can easily dismiss the complaints of one person but it gets much more difficult for them to do this when a lot or even some people are involved and saying the same things.

I have. It is very difficult to get the disability group to act, due to the disenfranchised nature of our lives. When you have society as a whole, telling you are worthless, and nothing, on a daily basis, you tend to believe it and loose the spirit to be the master of your own life. Then add in they are trying to deal with the disability and health issues, they don't have much time for other things. They want to hide in their holes and hope that people won't realize they are there and haze them for their troubles.

There are so few of us who ride bikes, currently due to the discriminatory policies. and the lack of financial resources to pay for the specialized transportation.. tadpoles for example start at $1200ish trikes $800 to those at my level that is like buying a Mercedes to you.

It is extra difficult for me to deal with people directly due to the crap I went through "C-PTSD" when I was dealing with the city hall today I was shaking like a leaf literally (when people pick this vibe I am not taken seriously). <---When I try to work through this, it can aggravate my Atypical panic, and land me in the ER from symptoms of imminent death. And that was dealing with just 1 person. the SSA decided that I was so severely impaired/excluded regarding working, and my ability to interpersonal relationships so damaged that I was declared disabled under the SSA rules. Its not lack of trying. been working on it weekly year round with a professional. Not making much head way beyond function on my own not involving other people. This is not the professionals help at fault, for lack of progress.

Then I am not a average typical disabled. I look out for others and not just myself. I have no idea how to motivate others in my community. which is part of the whole interpersonal relationships that was damaged or non-existent by past experiences.

In this forum I feel perfectly safe. that I can function here to some degree. But then based on what other people are saying my communication even here sucks :sad: so how do I get others active, if I have such difficulties communicating in a situation in which I feel safe? how many people are actually taking me seriously other than a couple here? good indicator is who considered me a troll vs not in the poll.

I am not seeing everything getting written since moderator been removing the worse. I been reading posts and responding as I go down the list instead of reading all responses and replying in one long post. think super post that was trying to address everyone in same post. Won't do that again.

I have asked people in our building about generating support about other disability issues, Like service animal rights. Guess their response. another person who uses a service "Dog" would not support the rights of others who lost their rights who used other species such as cats, monkeys, pigs, parrots,. Their excuse they gave me was "the change did not effect me personally so I don't want to get involved." It is the hazing factor is main drive for not wanting to get involved. This is typical response by people with impairments.

disabled rider.

ps I am only 1 in a hand full of people, who ride year round here, even among those who do not have any impairments.

so you can see there isn't a lot of support by those who ride locally.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Any sign of a point yet?
*loses will to live. Again*
The point of the last post by DS was: everybody looks after his own, even in the disabled community.
Involving people in a cause that does not concern them directly is hard.
DS is one of the few all year round cyclists in his area.
He is starting to understand why his posts are a bit too long.
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