Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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Senior Member
So if your not capable of cycling don't cycle. You can still get a job and you can still improve your life with the assistance of the state/government resources.

So there's really nothing to complain about. People are not treated the same all over the world so stop acting as if they are and your there saviour.
You truly do need some help from a doctor or social worker, get it, it's free.

on the road

Über Member
since many people are too lazy to read my very first post I am quoting the entire thing here.


Leg End Member
Trouble these days is you don't know who may watching what you're doing. Get a book/film out of a library, a record is made of who it went to & when. Similar record when its returned. Pay for something & record is made, when, where, how much & what for. There is no real way round this system.

Use a computer, connected to the internet? Maybe its not safe.

You are also hiding behind your curtains(off shade of yellow, with a floral pattern in light green) on the 2nd floor flat, which is SW facing. You have complained that the lift does not work. As a result you are carrying your bike & sometimes 200 pound load up three flights of stairs. You dislike this, and feel that it is discrimination on the grounds of being poor. If you were rich you could live somewhere else, better!, where the lifts work. You then would not have to walk up stairs. Presumably walking up & down stairs is only for the poor, in your book.
Note that in the UK
A flat is an apartment in the US. The 1st floor is the ground floor. Regional variations."
Is that "off-yellow", the result of tobacco smoke by any chance?

Oh and by the way, if you read what you claim to have reposted, you'll find very little matches your opening post. You don't know what those on here are qualified in, so please do not make unfounded statements, unless you are able to back them up, with proof. You want us to back up what we are saying, you are now being told to do the same. After all you don't want to exclude anyone, do you?

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Disabled or not, car or bicycle, there is a chance for all of us to be killed on the road or anywhere else for that matter.
Skimming you post #310 it seems you adapted a bike to your needs, "they" still won't let you ride on the pavement.
Don't know in the States, here in the UK there is a mobility benefit scheme, you use your mobility allowance to purchase a vehicle adapted for your disabilities.
I seem to understand you don't get mobility benefit because your disability does not fall under the criteria.
A way round it would be to adapt your "normal" bike with mirrors and similar to aid you on the road, plus seek out less busy roads, plus man up a wee bit on the roads - I had to, and I'm not even a man :laugh:
I think you need to accept the fact that there are certain places you cannot access on your bike, or, if you do, take the chance to get a fine (penalty).
It is not discrimination: some laws seem silly, if we choose to ignore them we must pay the penalty.

The deer hunting for food leaves me a little perplexed.
You say you're not allowed on the stretch of road that leads to the hunting place, that it is a necessity for you to hunt for cheap food - ok, it's the States :rolleyes:
But where/how do you skin/hang/butcher your catch?
Surely such activities are not allowed in a block of flats (apartment building)?
Never mind riding the pavement, what do your neighbours say when they see you carrying a dead deer on your shoulder up the stairs?
Not being controversial here, just curios :hello:


Leg End Member
As disabled rider 6+ years of cycling
in same time frame of 6 years,
The damage started when I turned 6

Now is that coincidence, or proof of a greater force at work? Taken from your "re-posting" above


Leg End Member
I still think he's a troll, one who's lost the plot :wacko:
I honestly do not think he had a plot to lose.

As others have pointed out, if he doesn't like what you are saying, you are wrong. And he starts off down a new tack.
What it comes down to having read all that he's posted is:
$500 is a cheap bike. He doesn't want one from a third world country.
He is poor, hence the low amount he has spent on the bike.
He has this idea that only the rich can afford to drive. Anyone who doesn't drive is being excluded as they are poor. He doesn't mind the idea of moving to another continent, where he could be one of the rich(elite)."Live like a king" . So long as its not a third world country.
Everyone is out to get him. Be it because he is dis-abled & unable to see past the dis-abilty. Also because he's poor
Because he is deaf he is unemployable. No-one but him alone in this world is deaf to the same extent.
We don't know what he's talking about. Question is, does he?
He is not an irrational person. We just think he is.
He broke the law, got caught & doesn't like the fact he got caught.


Oaf on a Bike
Disabled or not, car or bicycle, there is a chance for all of us to be killed on the road or anywhere else for that matter.
Skimming you post #310 it seems you adapted a bike to your needs, "they" still won't let you ride on the pavement.
Don't know in the States, here in the UK there is a mobility benefit scheme, you use your mobility allowance to purchase a vehicle adapted for your disabilities.
I seem to understand you don't get mobility benefit because your disability does not fall under the criteria.
A way round it would be to adapt your "normal" bike with mirrors and similar to aid you on the road, plus seek out less busy roads, plus man up a wee bit on the roads - I had to, and I'm not even a man :laugh:
I think you need to accept the fact that there are certain places you cannot access on your bike, or, if you do, take the chance to get a fine (penalty).
It is not discrimination: some laws seem silly, if we choose to ignore them we must pay the penalty.

The deer hunting for food leaves me a little perplexed.
You say you're not allowed on the stretch of road that leads to the hunting place, that it is a necessity for you to hunt for cheap food - ok, it's the States :rolleyes:
But where/how do you skin/hang/butcher your catch?
Surely such activities are not allowed in a block of flats (apartment building)?
Never mind riding the pavement, what do your neighbours say when they see you carrying a dead deer on your shoulder up the stairs?
Not being controversial here, just curios :hello:
My poor brain can't keep track of all the information in this thread anymore. The bit about not being fit enough to ride the longer way to the deer hunting area but being able to drag around an animal that typically weighs more than an average man and like everyone else not being allowed to ride a bicycle on the pavement but not explaining why his disability prevents normal road cycling.

I was curious about the amount of meat you'd get from a deer too, it looks like it varies a lot but after dragging say a 100kg deer corpse up the apartment stairwell (which the neighbours must love), apparently you'd be looking in the region of 45kg of edible meat or about 180 steaks :hungry: Poor Bambis :cry:
This is so not fair. I've never had a thread that has lasted anywhere near this long.
Hey, did anybody see the new episode of the new series of Red Dwarf? I missed it so I'd be interested to know what it was like. Can't have been worse than the last 2 series.

Yeap it was "Hay Ho Pip & Dandy"

Watch out for the Moose!

Kryton was brilliant
“They just hosed him down and gave him a new hat”


Senior Member
Do you have a gun and a license? and if so how many guns do you have, or do you use some other weapon?

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Poor Bambis :cry:
Ohh, now I'm :cry:too!!!



Leg End Member
My poor brain can't keep track of all the information in this thread anymore. The bit about not being fit enough to ride the longer way to the deer hunting area but being able to drag around an animal that typically weighs more than an average man and like everyone else not being allowed to ride a bicycle on the pavement but not explaining why his disability prevents normal road cycling.

I was curious about the amount of meat you'd get from a deer too, it looks like it varies a lot but after dragging say a 100kg deer corpse up the apartment stairwell (which the neighbours must love), apparently you'd be looking in the region of 45kg of edible meat or about 180 steaks :hungry: Poor Bambis :cry:

Gutted, cleaned & cut up right you might get just over half that weight in edible meats. Depends on what you're willing to eat. Heart, liver, that kinda thing.
Heads can make good trophies.


FWIW, I know at least one couple that shoot a deer in the autumn to feed themselves through the winter.. as with any animal, if you know what you're about, there's a lot of eating on it.

disabled rider

I have offices located around the US and in my position could quite easily get you employment. I like my employer pride themselves on giving people opportunity's and helping people reach their full potential. We have people working with us which have serious disability's and challenges. I do however agree that you are unemployable and this would not be for the reasons of disability or hygiene.
The fact is your attitude towards others is appalling and your attitude towards yourself is even more so. It is a waste of time to be angry about your disability. You have to get on with life and other people with disability's such as Stephen Hawkins haven't done badly, and there is no reason why you could not achieve either. People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.
OK this is a response to you NO ONE else. Off topic. I wanted to send it as a PM but I can't find any function that allows this I am not sure there is such a function on this site. SERIOUSLY this is not meant for anyone else leave this post alone.

I would like to have replied to this I don't know how to make the response private to you.

What I can say is the 29 isn't even disputable I was over qualified janitorial if you must know. When you have a 100% track record of putting your hand in the fire and being hurt by it would you want to put your hand in the 40th 50th 60th time?
when your only input from others is saying your not fit to work.... I am SORRY for being to general I should have said "my community" the 29 were the only jobs available to me based on their qualification criteria not whether I could do the job. here in my community. I did not mean to lump you with the norm. I would have to say based on what you said your an exception to the norm.

But then it also depends what jobs you were offering vs what I can actually do. I tried to break into higher employment at my last employment. They barred me excluding me based on so called lack of experience, or lack of official education, disregarding raw talent. I had to fight tooth and nail for the last position I worked officially, I was their top assembler for complicated fire places with many steps to the assembly process, just before I was fired I was doing 1/3 of the assembly in crew of 8, it wasn't really a challenge for me, Was bored if anything.. I kept pointing out design flaws in construction or testing to pass the time. That was the one, that I mentioned before, firing for so called sub par performance mentioned before.

I really can not begin to put that in words here If I did I know I would get banned for my own good. So I am not going to try.

I asked 2 separate lawyers about excluding personal information in interviews for employment. like the turning blue or ambulance from heart malfunction. NO GO This is the criminal negligence by not telling them.

There are certain aspects I am proud of in my impairments example my overall IQ is 119 with someone with hearing loss and learning disability you can't look at the scoring as over all average. For many of us its the disparity between the various areas that is the learning disability/ talents. the greater the difference the greater the learning disability. http://www.rit.edu/studentaffairs/disabilityservices/info.php I was tested here, some areas I am low level genius(spacial, cognitive understanding, math, comprehension). other areas i bombed grammar, writing when added together it was middle average.

I also tested out of LD program in high-school in my district I was the first known to the teachers teaching at the time. 92'
testing was timed most categories were maxed 100% correct up to the time limit. My tester had administered a lot of the test throughout the district. I was the first they ever seen do this. Out of curiosity she kept testing with understanding that it could never be officially logged, we also agreed to only stop when I got 3 wrong in a row. I wish she had recorded it. It gave me brag rights like you wouldn't believe. Only reason it wasn't recorded WAS the TIME EXCLUSION to fit someones standard of what is "NORMAL" Other testing for people with hearing impairments and LD time limit is exempt because of the unfairness of it compared to those that did not have any marked impairments. Lets put it this way I could have wrote my own ticket to "MIT" If the scores had been recorded. Math was 6th year college spacial 7th comprehension 5th year. basically "masters" level.
writing, grammar, spelling 10th grade.

Guess what I am trying to say I I know what I am capable of I am happy with that capability, especially with the knowledge I am smarter than many of my peers. I also understand that scares the crap out of most of my (peers).

I understand your point about steven hawkins, Then I have to ask how did he get there, connections, when the impairments started. whether he is actually the person speaking. I have watch several videos of his lectures. For the life of me I can't figure out how he manipulates the voice box. It isn't jealousy, its more AW,(shiny new curiosity) that he was able to beat the odds. Then again I am not even close to his ball park. I prefer more hands on anyway..

Only impairments I am mad about is the ones inflicted on me by my peers. It is hard enough dealing with the stigma of the others.

My greatest anger stems from exclusion though, What is within my reach, I am not allowed to participate. I do not have the means to move and too, what makes another location any better? I already live in the biggest growth area in the state. The Rehabilitation program is a fraud for someone on my level, It wasn't even designed to help people at my level. based on old stigmas that we are inferior. This is what they call help, learn to be lowest level menial task, with the least responsibility and the worst pay. when they can get you in as "slave labor" they call that success. wages here is a fraction of what I am getting for in insurance.

By the way hygiene wasn't an issue, unless it was heavy physical labor, that caused sweating, nothing I could do short of a shower to get rid of the stink. Went in clean came home dirty. It would be now, with out a car or at least shower on job site.
So now that work isn't an option I have to focus on things that will allow me independence to care for myself , which was why I was fighting for the rights to use a bike in a safe manor , that won't result in getting me killed, and to get access to areas that are off limits currently. That weren't at one time.

As secondary as an advocate to try to get the larger community as a whole to wake up smell the coffee or was that poo so we can improve an ongoing process of figuring out how to include those we would instinctively want to exclude.

WOW put this in google and nothing of relevance comes back instinct to exclude sick
It is not a hard concept to understand when dealing with nature including us. Yet No one willing to even talk about it?
I know its there, I feel it Any time I get around someone I know is sick or suspect is sick, I want to go the other way. My intellect overrides and I don't run.
Sorry again for not being clearer about the 100% of employers. 100% of employers in My Community. Would this be acceptable to you? Also For the positions I am "Qualified using their criteria"? This eliminates say secretarial, since my hearing doesn't make that feasible for me. Phones and all.

Ok here is a pun even http://www.abcinc.org/home wouldn't touch me, yes I have tried, They wouldn't even hand me an application! Then this is actual legalized slave labor, they are paid less than the federal minimum wage. They been exempt from having to pay minimum talk about discrimination, people working here have the same expenses or more than the rest of us.

Disabled rider
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