Do work think you are mad cycling in this weather?

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Fiona N

When I lived in Switzerland and it snowed, I used to use all the forest and farm tracks I could find to make a nearly complete off-road journey as the roads are way too dangerous in snow. The Swiss may get snow every winter but it doesn't make them any better at driving in it and winter tyres are supposed to be a compound that works better at low temperatures not, as some people seem to think, studded tyres.

Years ago (late '80's) I use to commute by bike between Woking and near Sunbury. It was about 20km ride as I recall. Often I used to see a bloke who was in the same office and who drove every day - Woking, Chertsey, M25 M3 (I think) etc. If the traffic wasn't perfectly free flowing, I usually beat him to the office. This used to distress him so much that he'd accuse me of being late (as I'd collected my clothes and gone to get a shower) despite the fact that he got there after me (and he left every night at 4.45pm on the dot, a couple of hours before I usually left). He was still doing it after 3 years. Sad ;)


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I usually walk to the main road - about 3-4 mins walk if the road is frosted/iced.

I have come off on gritted roads at considerable speed (30 mph) - so be wary, look for anything 'glistening' and take it easy. I came off 3 x on that day - I looked a bit of a mess when I got to work !!


chipmonster said:
Alot of staff at work think I am mad cycling in, especially when its freezing. Everytime, I have my cycle hat on and high vis jacket, I can see in them thinking that guy is mad.

Do get the odd one saying wow admire you for cycling?

How is it like at your workplace?

There is 5 in my placeofwork and all are carjobs cept me as i mostly bus it but when its not raining i'll ride it - and they where, when i 1st rode it, unnerved: as I was basically or revealed myself as the enemy.

But now they are still aware of my cycling situ. never has any of them commended me for riding in.
i love cycling into work and peoples faces say it all when i go in sweating "did you ride in yes" dont you get cold? does it look like it? alot of people find it hard to walk to there cars and walk to the corner shop people are just lazy with cars.


West Midlands
Tonight I had the choice of Bike or Car (It was Dark, Raining and getting Foggy) so I chose the Bike.

Last night someone said isn't it cold and I replied no it's a lovely warm evening - Are people getting nesh ?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Folk think it's cold because they aren't exercising - my wife's friend thinks I'm crazy - "you're not riding in this".......'erm a bit windy and the occasional shower, fairly mild.....


West Midlands
fossyant said:
Folk think it's cold because they aren't exercising - my wife's friend thinks I'm crazy - "you're not riding in this".......'erm a bit windy and the occasional shower, fairly mild.....

You don't feel the light rain and people don't get your layered up so don't get cold either.
I had my first "isn't it too dark for cycling" last night, as I left the office in my bright yellow jacket with red flashing LED light on the back of my helmet to go and get on my bike eqiupped with another solid red LED on the back and two lights up front, supplemented with a head torch.

Er no, it's not .. ;)
I went on a training course last winter, and one of the ladys on the course said to me are you still cycling I said yes in fact I cycled to the course, she said where did you cycle from I told her where from she didn't belive me untill she saw my bike parked outside
in fact I work on the relief team and up to now I have been using the car, due not having the bike road worthy a new place I have been going to is about 10 miles away and i will be cycling there


Smutmaster General
I don't always cycle to work, but now and again, when the fancy takes me and I'm not too rushed to be there for a certain time... went to one of those "all day" meetings recently, cycled 17 miles to get there (and of course back again later). One woman was so shocked when she asked me over coffee how far I'd cycled in, that it seemed to affect the rest of her day... ;)
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