Do You Find That Most People Hate Cyclists?

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Active Member
Just kidding

does it feel like mountain bike suspension

great at soaking up bumps… but you definitely lose power on the acceleration


Legendary Member
Not really, the travel is far less. It does pogo like a good 'un if you try climbing out of the saddle. It's quite unsophisticated - a rubber cone at the rear and a leading link at the front, with a big steel spring inside the fork steerer and friction damping.

The frame design is partly to allow a one size, step-through frame, and partly because (AIUI) Raleigh still own the rights to Moulton's original, simpler, F-frame.

The cheaper* models like my TSR are structurally quite different to the AM series, which might actually be spaceframes. A TSR looks similar but has large "hairpin" tubes wrapping around the head and seat tubes. It is doubtful that the zigzag infills really do anything, given the stiffness of the hairpins.

*in relative terms! A TSR 22 speed is £2,350 and a New Series Double Pylon is, well, let's just say Pog's Tour de France bike would be half the price!


Legendary Member
I have ridden a Moulton (original and one of the more modern ones) and do like them both, am interested in the design and would like to own one some day.

I own other small wheelers and I find there is always somebody who comes to tell you how much hard work it must be and how slow it must be with such small wheels. That's what gear ratios are for!
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Über Member
South of hades
man up chaps,we're having fun.Dont let them into your headspace. :laugh:


Do you find most people hate cyclists?


Ridiculous question. People do not hate cyclists. Yes, there are some aggressive idiots around but the idea we are hated is plain stupid.

I simply don't understand any cyclist who thinks we are.
It feels like we are tolerated more around places like Yorkshire but down south are hated a lot more.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
No I don’t (think most people hate us)

I’ve had a couple of entitled motorists this past month.

I was in a narrow lane , when a woman drove straight in the same space having passed two pull in places. Lane wasn’t wide enough for us to pass safely. So I just waited for her to reverse. She seemed to think I should have reversed or moved over. Nowhere to go and I was already in section and not the one taking up the full width.

In town I was riding along residential road with a continuous line of cars parked on opposite side. Halfway along a women coming opposite way, decides instead of waiting at end of parked cars will drive onto my side of the road. There was a bit of space but no enough for us to safely pass. I could have jumped on pavement but why should I? There then resulted a Mexican stand off where I just sat there and waited for her to reverse. Again she wondered what she’d done wrong. I explained patiently about priority in such situations. Had it been me coming the way she was I’d have waited on my bike. She reversed and I continued on my way.

In contrast a different experience yesterday.

I was heading along a narrow lane in a village coming up to a T junction to a B road . A van was badly parked on right hand side of junction where it curves so I could not fully see T junction ahead. Just as I closed last 20 metres a large 4x4 pickup comes round bend. I was expecting a Mexican stand off. But the guy reversed without prompting into the wider junction. This gave me space to pass whilst he waited. I thanked him as I passed, he said no problem. How it should be.

I do ride a recumbent which does make a difference . Maybe they are thinking don’t kill the disabled guy (I’m not). But most drivers are considerate, a minority are entitled. Some don’t make the best overtakes though many are getting it these days and crossing the centre white line. But I haven’t had an angry word hurled my way in a while. If I do get an angry word I just ignore them. Responding rarely goes well with the sort looking for any excuse for a fight. Try not to smile extra wide either as the angry ones look in their mirrors for a response. A deliberate attempt to rile / bully.

I live in the East of England and mostly ride country lanes with occasional rare forages into That London.

Ignore what you see online or if you respond (on Twitter etc) keep it polite and factual and they’ll soon embarrass and undermine themselves. Trolls don’t like facts and politeness.
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I am in NYC, we got a lot of stupid people on bikes here who drive people crazy, including myself, with their reckless, irresponsible,disrespectful behavior- , riding on the sidewalk, riding on the wrong side of the road, jumping red lights against traffic while pulling a wheelie blindfolded, smoking a joint with one hand and drinking a 40 with the other etc. Having said that, I find the majority of motorists to be respectful to me and my ex as we generally obey the rules and ride sensibly.
I have been the recipient of unwarranted aggression from motorists on many occasions though. Here in NY it can get pretty up close and personal due to the number of cars and limited space, I have been forced off the road by drivers who perceived some crime on my part and have used their car to bully me, doesn't happen often but it does happen, kinda stupid on their part because they can't get away, but one time in Montana while riding on the GDMBR my group was buzzed by a convoy of pickup's, they drove past us at speed on a dirt road while shouting out their windows, I am a bit deaf so had no idea what they were saying, they passed at what I consider a safe and respectful distance so assumed them to be friendly, exuberant youths and waved. Turns out they were screaming at us to get off the road and were apparently trying to intimidate us with their aggressive driving. The rest of the group were shocked and scared by this dangerous confrontation. Sometimes it's how you perceive stuff. I don't mind anger and shouting, it's an outlet, I don't like it when people think it's okay to use their vehicle to endanger my life
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