Do you go on your bike when the roads are covered with thin snow ?

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Ian H

Ancient randonneur
138km solstice ride today, with a couple of pub stops. Plenty of snow & ice around. 5 of us out including 3 pensioners.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
This morning I was surprised to see sheet ice even on the main roads!
Made it to work, not even the car park was gritted ... it's a hospital, for goodness sake!
We are not organized for a deep freeze in the UK :sad:

glad i decided to take the weekend off the bike ! light snow this morning thats now turning to freezing rain


We've a number of shaded valley roads around here where it pays to be careful. Away from those dips, roads can be safe and dry. Down in the dip's another story. We get black ice; damp roads and freezing overnight temperatures. It can be there all day. I avoid such routes if I'm unsure.


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
All gone here. Tyre change time...again.


Well-Known Member
When at Ft Drum, where we got 12' of snow between January and March, I rode in the snow a lot. Studded tires, and my commute was only 2 to 3 miles. Easier to pick my bike up over the drifts than to dig out my 2 wheel drive pickup several times per day. Helps to have a very good understanding of other vehicles traction limitations too. The snow plow that I operated could run across anything and wade through 8' (2.5 metre) of snow (chains full time 4x4) , but most of the motor pool trucks couldn't stop on a slope because of the ice. My bike could stop on bare ice but it would wallow out in deep snow. If you see a car with Hawaii plates in snow, stay away...


As long as I breathe, I attack.
When at Ft Drum, where we got 12' of snow between January and March, I rode in the snow a lot. Studded tires, and my commute was only 2 to 3 miles. Easier to pick my bike up over the drifts than to dig out my 2 wheel drive pickup several times per day. Helps to have a very good understanding of other vehicles traction limitations too. The snow plow that I operated could run across anything and wade through 8' (2.5 metre) of snow (chains full time 4x4) , but most of the motor pool trucks couldn't stop on a slope because of the ice. My bike could stop on bare ice but it would wallow out in deep snow. If you see a car with Hawaii plates in snow, stay away...

In the Usa/canada they have a massive storm and temperatures down to - 45 c covering most of the continent ! The mayor of new york told drivers that there normal tyres wouldnt grip and not to even attempt to drive
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