Do you have any phobia's..

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
It's adorable that you think your fear of moths is rational.

You tell me if you don't find this scary.:eek:


Look at those filthy fingernails by the way!:unsure:


Spiders for me. Can't even look at them in pictures or on TV. The legs just freak me out xx(


Legendary Member
Having upthread recounted my Ikea claustrophobic panic attack, managed to go into an Ikea to buy something today. It was a bit of an emergency purchase of a z-bed thing. Was a quite time there and to start with I was Ok managed to plough my way through to the thing I wanted thinking their stuff was actually quite good. Now getting out again round all the twists and turns, I had to stop a few times a breath deeply to look at the floor and tell myself this is just psychological manipulation. I know in my mind there's no perill or danger, but something makes me want to just run to the fire doors. I think it's when you think you'r nearly out, then there's yet more nightmarish mazes to go through. Kept it together and bought th wretched thing. My very elderly father has been sleeping in armchair this last week by his partners sickbed so it's all a bit grim to start with. Hey ho, hoepfully never have to enter another ikea. Don't think I could cope next time.
Tight spaces, not great when you work in drainage! Manhole access can be a tad nervy :eek:

Soft ground, ie: shifting sand/tidal mud type stuff. TBH even really soft, spongy type grass can put me on edge these days:thumbsdown:

Heights. Never been great but it's definitely worsened with age, again not great when peering down the abyss of a deep manhole :eek:


A friend of mine's son had a phobia of buttons. It made the transition to secondary school and the wearing of a formal school uniform particularly difficult.
He carried a little card to show to teachers for a while to say he was allowed not to do his top button up.
He's a salesman now wearing a suit and tie every day so I guess he has now grown out of it!


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!

Not formally recognised but I looked it up some years ago and realised it fitted my experience.

It's not just holes either. It's also any small repetitive objects or patterns.

Some things I find difficult to look at:

I can't watch that Sanex (?) anti-perspirant advert where lot's of little people make up someone's armpit or that old Duracell advert where the big bunny was composed of lot's of smaller bunnies.

I can't look at the seeds clustered inside Peppers and Chillies - I am almost physically sick when I see them.

The Lotus seed head in the attached link makes me feel queasy.

There's a couple of sections on Striding Edge on Helvellyn that are covered in large clusters of hand sized rock shards and I really hate walking across them.


Über Member
East Coast UK
Five years working in south India.
Two phobias.
1: Monkeys. Filthy, disease-ridden thieving pests.
2: Snakes. Any snakes, anywhere.


Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
A girl where I work has a phobia of pineapple - I though this was silly, but there really is a phobia for it

Mrs V has a phobia of Hot Dog sausages (did I mention that already ?)
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