Dog in the old life yet

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Legendary Member
The question has been asked, so I ought to belatedly update.

I started off doing times in the elevens, and got it down to 7:07 by June before suffering increasing pain in my hip. Doctors begat hospital, which begat a visit to another hospital when they discovered I didn't fit in their MRI machine. End result is I need a new hip, and advice was to stop running but keep walking and cycling.

At its worst I was on some kind of nasty painkiller and walking with a stick, but a month or so after quitting running it started to calm down and I now move just fine, although it aches like buggery at times.

So I didn't succeed due to force majeure, but by god was I on course to smash it if fate and the gods of calcium had not deserted me.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Come on, it wasn't going to happen ever ! You were told that on page 1 !
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