Don't take cake into the office.

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Leg End Member
I pointed that out to our team this morning. My boss said "she can sling her hook!" :rofl:
Only if she checks it's clear to sling it first!
A couple of pints might not be a problem but I've heard it explained by experts that when you take that first pint and say "I needed that! " then perhaps there is a problem. Needing alcohol to relax isn't good apparently. I think it's all down to a healthy quantity and a healthy relationship with what you consume whether alcohol or sugary cakes.


All at sea⛵
Oh my! What tosh.

It is possible to say no.

I worked in a company plagued with golf players. I am golf dyspraxic, a new condition. And left handed. No one had left handed clubs or the patience to engage me.
Company golf days I was at in the bar and entertained the customers who hated golf too and spent the bosses money liberally.
I knew a guy who got made a partner at his boss's accountancy practise. After a few years he got sick of doing all the work and running the practise. Effectively keeping it going while his senior partner played golf every day.

After a few years he left and set up his own practise. After the requisite period of time when he couldn't contact his old pract clients he suddenly found out he was incredibly busy add they almost all came across to him. He went from struggling to needing to take staff on to cope.

I think golf for some is unhealthy obsession and should be banned from work! 😂


Leg End Member
I don't have a cake.
Eaten to prevent you taking it into the office.
You're selfless behaviour won't go unnoticed.


South Wales


Isca Dumnoniorum
I think the Guardian are the left wing equivalent of the Mail, and make just about as much sense.

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