Ebay and auction watch: let us know if you see something

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Not So Special One


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Vintage (?) 60th anniversary Hetchins Magnum Opus, but with a £1450 start: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BEAUTIFUL-60th-ANNIVERSARY-HETCHINS-MAGNUM-OPUS-60CM-FRAME/222749657719



Found in the Yorkshire hills ...


Über Member
big Bill Cuss in Brighton. 26" frame - Mid-70's I'd say. Currently set up a fixed gear but not messed about with. Make a nice winter commuter for the long of leg. If I hadn't just finished building up a Condor of the same size and period, I'd be desperately trying to contrive a trip to the south coast. Bargain at £70


P.S. the Rory O'Brien I flagged further up this thread has now dropped to £80
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