Elitism and Snobbery

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How old are they? Anyone over 18 who judges people or feels judged by possessions needs to grow up.
I take pride in an element of reverse snobbery with things like that.

Not sure if it is reverse snobbery now, but I'm very happy with my Ribbles

Heck I even used to go out with a few of the local Triathlon Club, & keep up with them on their carbons (in their full kit), & I was on my 'blue/winter' Ribble, with mudguards, & even pass some on the hills!

It's the same reason, why I'm very happy still driving my (almost) 7 year old/130,000mile Octavia estate

A Yorkshire Tea jersey? I have a very dear friend who happens to work for Taylors of Harrogate who make said product. I’m on the case......:whistle:
I'd buy one as well!!!


.........I'm very happy still driving my (almost) 7 year old/130,000mile Octavia estate........

Poseur. Fashion-victim. Our Honda Civic has done 100,000 more miles than that.


North Yorkshire
Well, that's nothing. My Raleigh Tomahawk rusted so badly that one day I came out to ride it to school and all that was left was a quark. Didn't stop me riding the 741 miles to school no handed though, while whistling ever act from Wagner's Ring Cycle and doing my homework.
Chapeau! Those quarks take some pedalling. I could never quite get my lips round Wagner’s Ring...
Wife put 45,000 miles on it, in the first 2 years!!!
Through some forum-supported filtering, I thought, wow! it took me 7 years to do that. Then I did some delving and realised you were talking about a car.

How did we get here?

Back to snobbery, my first trip to Brighton I passed quite a roadies - well, men in lycra riding road bikes - dressed like this.

(and in case my ride looks to swish, the cable had become snagged, so I couldn't change gears)
[QUOTE 5282364, member: 9609"]45 k in 7 years is a serious amount of cycling (i'm just undr 30 for the same)
is that commuting or just riding just for the sake of it ?[/QUOTE]
I confused miles and kilometres, and even then, exaggerated.

I've done 52,000 km (gps recorded, somewhat more on the ground, I assume) since 2008.

(i'm still proud of that, but it's not 45k miles in 7 years, so apologies)

Edit: even though 2008 undermines my original numbers, I need to point out to have GPS tracks back then you had to be a total nerd with your own website. Which I was. Do I get to add 100km nerd bonus to my total milage?
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Not quite

That figure refers to the Octavia estate...………………..
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