Elitism and Snobbery

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
@Chris Doyle does this mean I have to stop wearing my Yorkshire jersey?
Er,this is what you need to look :becool:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
I go out with a bunch of MTB'ers. Fortunately, no-one is snobby - they are a sound bunch. We have guys on very expensive bikes, one who comes out on an e-MTB, and some lads who are on cheap Voodoo's (one lad is seriously quick up and down hill). It doesn't matter - the only thing is your bike needs to work properly - nothing more demoralising stopping for mechanicals every few miles.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
[QUOTE 5279066, member: 9609"]wonder what your mates would make of my cheap bolloxs - 30 year old bike and clothes to match - and my pesta-dela-resistance my summer cycling gloves (old gardening cloves with the fingers snipped off)
View attachment 414554
View attachment 414553

and bits of hi viz tape (salvaged from a builders hi-viz type vest found in a hedge) sewn onto my clothes

but my rolling annual mileage of over 6000 miles means I'm as much a cyclist as any of them[/QUOTE]

Sort that bar tape out you scruff !! :tongue:


Legendary Member
Sort that bar tape out you scruff !! :tongue:
Can't beat scruffy cloth bar tape for grip though,


Biker Joe

Über Member
[QUOTE 5279066, member: 9609"]wonder what your mates would make of my cheap bolloxs - 30 year old bike and clothes to match - and my pesta-dela-resistance my summer cycling gloves (old gardening cloves with the fingers snipped off)
View attachment 414554
you can see what part of the gloves keeps my handlebars so shiny
View attachment 414553

and bits of hi viz tape (salvaged from a builders hi-viz type vest found in a hedge) sewn onto my clothes

but my rolling annual mileage of over 6000 miles means I'm as much a cyclist as any of them[/QUOTE]
I love your attitude. I would ride with you anytime.:okay:

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
Sort that bar tape out you scruff !! :tongue:

I wasn’t going to mention the massive pile of crumbs on the garage floor. That is your garage isn’t it?


I wasn’t going to mention the massive pile of crumbs on the garage floor. That is your garage isn’t it?
Those are old digestive biscuits he’s reconstituting with used cooking oil into power bars for late-night rides, seeing his way with home-made methane gas light. DAMHIKT

There is all manner of snobbery at play when we go out in public. All of it is a reflection of who we want to be seen as, not who we are. In recreational cycling maybe more so than in real life.
Those who berate Rapha kit are displaying the same snobbery as the Rapha wearers who look down on the OP for his choice in attire.
Wear what you want, and what expresses who you are a person. Be comfortable, show off, knit your own kit from baler twine. But whatever you do, don’t worry what other people think.
I’d choose to ride with a new group if I were you. But I’m not. If you like their company, take it with a pinch of salt. Use their snobbery against them even - Reiver-cise your cockpit; drop in to the local charity shop and score something floral for your next run.


Legendary Member
Just reply saying "it is nice kit" (pause) "all the gear and no idea I suppose" Say it with a smile and lightheartedly and your winning of the banter competition should trump any kit competition that is going on. If you can out-cycle them on an old raleigh shopping bike too, that would nail it
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