Everesting within 2-3 hours of Norwich?

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Senior Member
I've been tempted by an Everesting for a while now, and the Strava / Le Col June Challenge has made think to try it in June. I'm living in Norwich, and don't mind travelling a bit but the wife would have to drive me and she may be less keen!

So I need something within 2-3 hours of Norwich ideally. But as I'm about as unfit as it's possible to be to even give this a go (94kg, with decent power numbers... but.... 94kg is 94kg, so the hill needs to help me as much as possible.

All the usual Everesting requirements too, so hopefully quiet, with somewhere on or near the climb for coffee / snack / toilet breaks.

As I'm heavy (94kg) I need something that doesn't get too steep. 8-10% would be ideal I think, but without any spikes above 12-13% as that saps you fast!

There is a climb that has been Everested a few times in Norfolk called Beacons Hill, but it's not good for the challenge as it flattens out too often, and isn't steep enough on the whole for it.
at only 5% average that's over 200miles of riding in a day!

so yeah, anything nearish to Norfolk that any of you know of?
I've been tempted by an Everesting for a while now, and the Strava / Le Col June Challenge has made think to try it in June. I'm living in Norwich, and don't mind travelling a bit but the wife would have to drive me and she may be less keen!

So I need something within 2-3 hours of Norwich ideally. But as I'm about as unfit as it's possible to be to even give this a go (94kg, with decent power numbers... but.... 94kg is 94kg, so the hill needs to help me as much as possible.

All the usual Everesting requirements too, so hopefully quiet, with somewhere on or near the climb for coffee / snack / toilet breaks.

As I'm heavy (94kg) I need something that doesn't get too steep. 8-10% would be ideal I think, but without any spikes above 12-13% as that saps you fast!

There is a climb that has been Everested a few times in Norfolk called Beacons Hill, but it's not good for the challenge as it flattens out too often, and isn't steep enough on the whole for it.
at only 5% average that's over 200miles of riding in a day!

so yeah, anything nearish to Norfolk that any of you know of?

My mate done his Everest on Colleweston Hill in Rutland https://www.strava.com/segments/5705774?oq=coll
According to google that's within 2h drive of Norwich peaking at just over 8.4% and averaging 6.1%

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I've been tempted by an Everesting for a while now, and the Strava / Le Col June Challenge has made think to try it in June. I'm living in Norwich, and don't mind travelling a bit but the wife would have to drive me and she may be less keen!

So I need something within 2-3 hours of Norwich ideally. But as I'm about as unfit as it's possible to be to even give this a go (94kg, with decent power numbers... but.... 94kg is 94kg, so the hill needs to help me as much as possible.

All the usual Everesting requirements too, so hopefully quiet, with somewhere on or near the climb for coffee / snack / toilet breaks.

As I'm heavy (94kg) I need something that doesn't get too steep. 8-10% would be ideal I think, but without any spikes above 12-13% as that saps you fast!

There is a climb that has been Everested a few times in Norfolk called Beacons Hill, but it's not good for the challenge as it flattens out too often, and isn't steep enough on the whole for it.
at only 5% average that's over 200miles of riding in a day!

so yeah, anything nearish to Norfolk that any of you know of?

Take a look at https://cyclinguphill.com/100-climbs/ and pick your hill


Senior Member
Take a look at https://cyclinguphill.com/100-climbs/ and pick your hill

That's awesome. Just pasted in to excel, order by gradients, and came up with this list as the ones to investigate
Basically just eliminated anything with less than 8%, or more than 12%. And then anything with spikes over 16%.
I kept Widecombe in there as a maybe, even though it wouldn't fit perfectly, just because it's near where I grew up so would be a good place to head back to and have some fun on.
So yeah, thanks! I'll do some investigation. Peaslows the obvious top contender on the numbers, it makes sense that so many people do it there!

Holme Moss204m
2.2 km
1.6 km
Dovers Hill145m
1.7 km
Cairn O’ Mount313m
3.3 km
Nick O’ Pendle145m
1.3 km
Curbar Edge175m
1.8 km
1.4 km
Gas Hill, off Riverside near Ketts Hill, is just what you need, nlmkiii

Pub at the bottom, no driving to get there, her at home to make you cake for your return, and averaging 10.7%.

13 rider

I rode Peaslow climb the other week it's a dead straight steep ramp , I'm a 70kg rider and don't mind a climb ,I only just made it up , I could not Everest on it , However I do run quite a large gear bottom gear was a 36/30 , if you attempt an Everest on these sort of climbs put the lowest gears you can fit on your bike


Kilometre nibbler
#125 on Simon Warren's list of 100 climbs ;) is Beacon Hill in Cromer. That's really handy for Norwich.

Unfortunately it may not be exactly the ideal hill for Everesting. It's 65m high and 1.2km long so that it would require 137 ascents and would require 329km of riding. That's 204 miles.

Hang on a minute, add an extra mile and you have a 205 mile "Godwin" (link). You could knock them both off at once - an Everest and a Godwin. What's not to like?
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Try Skeets Hill near Shotesham. It's a part of a regular Strava ride and is well known for it's relatively short but challenging climb - ! ^_^
Local riders do it as a part of a circuit, so several times in a ride will make it interesting - ! :okay:
Try Skeets Hill near Shotesham. It's a part of a regular Strava ride and is well known for it's relatively short but challenging climb - ! ^_^
Local riders do it as a part of a circuit, so several times in a ride will make it interesting - ! :okay:

One of the things* putting me off an Everest attempt, is that strictly you cannot do it as circuits! I'd find it much less tedious than descending the way you went up.

(I suppose your average speed might be higher if you can just roll down, then round a corner onto the climb without jamming the brakes on. But you'd have to ride further, so it might all balance out ... )

*hahahahahahahahahaha ....
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