Films that make you go meh.

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I quite liked Shawshank Redemption

ah but, and this is the point, do you think it was worthy of the recent proclamation of 'best film to miss out on an Oscar'?
Withnail and I... sorry, I know I'm on my own but I just don't get it... maybe if I'd watched it before the 10th anniversary hype I might have enjoyed it more, but the 'amazing' movie I was promised I just didn't get.
Maybe you had to have a similar kitchen sink. If you didn't, "you don't know, man - you weren't there!"

It hasn't aged particularly well, but it was a breath of fresh air when it came out. Same with Lock, Stock..


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
the green mile... not a bad story but told in the most boring, drawn out way imaginable. Hanks should have got an Oscar for his portrayal of a man desperate for a wee, but sadly missed out due to there being no category for 'best portrayal of a man desperate for a wee'
The Matrix trilogy. :wacko:
That's three films of which the second and third are not well regarded (and both distinctly meh).

I loved the first one


Was 'Inland Empire' well received?

Never heard of it ;)

Btw, if people are sticking 'any' in front of their nominations then you haven't quite got what I'm driving at... as tempted as I am to agree with the Tarantino call!

Btw2, I'm 'liking' nominations that seem to fit what I'm meaning. I'm not necessarily agreeing with you!! ;)
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