Films that make you go meh.

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I thought the Shawshank redemption was excellent, I've never got any of the Godfather series, most Quentin Tarantino films are utter drivel with the worst being Kill Bill, though I love the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction, in fact I'm going to listen to it now.

Out of Africa, terrible. I quite liked No Country For Old Men. On the Sci Fi level, I loved The Chronicles Of Riddick and the Fifth Element but never got 2001 Space Odyssey.

Films that have surprised and delighted me: il Postino, The Extraordinary adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, Hear My Song, Funny Bones, to name but a few.
Some films shouldn't have sequels (or Prequels) The matrix is an excellent example of this
I thought the Shawshank redemption was excellent, I've never got any of the Godfather series, most Quentin Tarantino films are utter drivel with the worst being Kill Bill, though I love the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction, in fact I'm going to listen to it now.

Out of Africa, terrible. I quite liked No Country For Old Men. On the Sci Fi level, I loved The Chronicles Of Riddick and the Fifth Element but never got 2001 Space Odyssey.

Films that have surprised and delighted me: il Postino, The Extraordinary adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, Hear My Song, Funny Bones, to name but a few.
Remind me, if ever invited to film night chez Crax to respectfully decline


Luc Besson.... hmmm. Well, at least I'll go into it with, um, 'balanced' expectations!


The English Patient.

More desert nonsense - Sheltering Sky. Bertolucci directing, Malkovich and Winger in the starring roles - what could possibly go wrong? Er, nearly everything - so tedious. Bertolucci must have been going through a duff phase - Stealing Beauty and Dreamers were also pretty awful.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
and any Clint Eastwood film since about 1970 except Unforgiven

Even Any Which Way But Loose?

David Ansen of Newsweek described the film as a "plotless junk heap of moronic gags, sour romance and fatuous fisticuffs".[5]It continued, "The only decent part is played by an orangutan. One can forgive [his] participation—he couldn't read the script—but what is Eastwood's excuse?"[1] Variety commented that, "This film is so awful it's almost as if Eastwood is using it to find out how far he can go—how bad a film he can associate himself with".

I rest my case m'lud.


Über Member
Another vote for Lost in Translation. Dull.

I've never come as close to walking out of a cinema as I did when watching The Da Vinci Code. It managed to be worse than the book.

And anything by Stanley Kubrick. Don't see what all the fuss was about.
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