Fire and explosion proof bags for batteries?

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fritz katzenjammer

Der Ubergrosserbudgie
Some of the xxx does pay for the name, but some of it pays for more QC. Chinese factories will produce to the price point the customer asks for, with quality on a sliding scale.

Yup! It’s alll made in China anyway, you get what you pay for.

even then, I know from past experience in the automotive industry that you need to stay on top of your Chinese suppliers. They’ll find ways to improve their bottom line at your expense unless you watch them like a hawk. Companies that I have been involved with usually kept their own people employed over there to monitor production and quality as games were always being played with materials and processes to make it cheaper, and this even occurred in plants we owned!
This stuff has always been how factories work
a lot of them make similar things for different companies and just change the quality depending on the customer

When I used to work for Littlewoods I was talking to a guy in the Chain STore section one time when I was at a warehouse for a few days and had to stay in a hotel.
He worked in the quality control section and visited the factories than made the clothes. An Article had recently appeared in a paper saying that shirts (or whatever) made for Matalan were just the same as those made for Littlewoods
I was wearing a shirt from Littlewoods and he showed me the stitching and seams and stuff that we specified and how Matalan specified them differently which affected the quality - and the price paid to the factory

But the end customer would never notice the different - until it fell apart in2 years rather than 3 years

The same applies to ebike - the factory may make similar bike for several companies
but the cheapo ones will not be made the same as the expensive ones

(unless they can get away with it and the company doesn;t notice!!!)


"don't buy chinese"

*The exact samw factory produces the branded one you pay xxx more for

Buy from a brand that has a reputation to protect.

The kosher Samsung batteries I bought for my old laptop cost thick end of £100, compared to £16 off Amazon.
A fire proof bag… that’s hilarious! Have you ever seen a battery go up?
Watch this steel ammo box jump around like a frog:



South Wales
With the amount of rechargable batterys one has at home they would have to include that at well
not forgetting the EV out on the drive or in garage

EVs are VERY low fire risk.

Ebike batteries are pretty low as well IF you buy reputable brands and not cheap knock-offs.
It would help if there was a government standard for Lithium batteries - at least for ones over a certain Amp hours

AT least it would give people some sort of indication as to whether or not the battery they have is safe or not
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