Fixed Penalty Notice

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Moortown, Leeds
The video was made because I read somewhere that this FPN action effectively throws cyclists under the wheels of HGV's by making people share routes with heavy vehicles, I contend that. I felt that was unfair on this division of the police, who from my experiences are good reasonable police officers who happen to patrol on bikes.

Met police bosses and TFL put them there to counter bus drivers complaints.

However I still think it is a far safer route (providing you stay behind the buses).

Wither I'd do it again remains to be seen but to keep the good people of CC busy I'm saying I will.

Thanks, better than the which bike threads though not quite on par with stolen bike ones.
The video was made because I read somewhere that this FPN action effectively throws cyclists under the wheels of HGV's by making people share routes with heavy vehicles, I contend that. I felt that was unfair on this division of the police, who from my experiences are good reasonable police officers who happen to patrol on bikes.

Met police bosses and TFL put them there to counter bus drivers complaints.

However I still think it is a far safer route (providing you stay behind the buses).

Wither I'd do it again remains to be seen but to keep the good people of CC busy I'm saying I will.

This is one of the most noble and selfless pieces of Head Cam Warriorness I've ever seen - and let me say I've seen a few!

This chap (and let us all stand for him) allowed himself to be hit with an FPN to save cyclists who are being thrown (yes, literally thrown) under the wheels of HGVs. And that's why he made the tape, but he modestly kept his true intent from you bad people until after you'd almost all called him a loony-tunes and an accident waiting to happen and some things I'd rather not write.

He rode against the flow of traffic, dangerously outside the solid line, into the path of oncoming vehicles, as a danger to pedestrians and to the likely annoyance of other road users, just to make an extremely valid point, which seems to be: "I shall ride where it is dangerous and illegal to show that by enforcing the law you are forcing us to ride where it is dangerous but legal".

It is slightly more Sancho Panza than Pancho Villa. Not slightly; a lot. Most of all it is slightly Alan Partridge - and not in a good way.

I know Holborn very well and I do not have a problem with the traffic system there. It is not ideal, but I'm not sure I know one that is.


Evo Lucas
This is one of the most noble and selfless pieces of Head Cam Warriorness I've ever seen - and let me say I've seen a few!

This chap (and let us all stand for him) allowed himself to be hit with an FPN to save cyclists who are being thrown (yes, literally thrown) under the wheels of HGVs. And that's why he made the tape, but he modestly kept his true intent from you bad people until after you'd almost all called him a loony-tunes and an accident waiting to happen and some things I'd rather not write.

He rode against the flow of traffic, dangerously outside the solid line, into the path of oncoming vehicles, as a danger to pedestrians and to the likely annoyance of other road users, just to make an extremely valid point, which seems to be: "I shall ride where it is dangerous and illegal to show that by enforcing the law you are forcing us to ride where it is dangerous but legal".

It is slightly more Sancho Panza than Pancho Villa. Not slightly; a lot. Most of all it is slightly Alan Partridge - and not in a good way.

I know Holborn very well and I do not have a problem with the traffic system there. It is not ideal, but I'm not sure I know one that is.

You'll note I was issued with the FPN before the recent deaths on London's roads.

But please re arrange the order of events to best suit your opinion.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
It has all be said before but I will just add this: If you are willing to complain about other road users not being stopped by the police for offences, then you cannot complain what you yourself are caught breaking the law. It is not one rule for you and another for everyone else.
It is especially unwise to break the law in a city as big and populated as London where police can be around every corner (as you found out).

I commend you uploading the video because it shows that you know you did wrong and are willing to show yourself up for it. However, you still believe that you did nothing wrong, which is the worrying part. If your route is really that dangerous, then you would have time to be able to plan another route and save yourself getting stopped again.

Just try to be safe and LEGAL.


Evo Lucas
It has all be said before but I will just add this: If you are willing to complain about other road users not being stopped by the police for offences, then you cannot complain what you yourself are caught breaking the law. It is not one rule for you and another for everyone else.
It is especially unwise to break the law in a city as big and populated as London where police can be around every corner (as you found out).

I commend you uploading the video because it shows that you know you did wrong and are willing to show yourself up for it. However, you still believe that you did nothing wrong, which is the worrying part. If your route is really that dangerous, then you would have time to be able to plan another route and save yourself getting stopped again.

Just try to be safe and LEGAL.

More worryingly where do I say I did nothing wrong? I'm questioning the moral sanity of fining cyclists who wish to take a quieter route away from 4 lanes of HGV screaming for the next lights. I think the resources of the Met Police should be directed at efforts to calm our streets and make them safer for all.
More worryingly where do I say I did nothing wrong? I'm questioning the moral sanity of fining cyclists who wish to take a quieter route away from 4 lanes of HGV screaming for the next lights. I think the resources of the Met Police should be directed at efforts to calm our streets and make them safer for all.
Why not go up Gt Russell St just up the road? Safe and legal?
You'll note I was issued with the FPN before the recent deaths on London's roads.

But please re arrange the order of events to best suit your opinion.

I do not mention or even imply any connection between your ill-advised actions and any death in London or elsewhere.

I was mocking your suggestion that you'd made the video because you'd read somewhere about (see your own post above).

You may or may not see yourself as an unmockably heroic warrior of street justice for bicyclists.

Many readers of and contributors to these pages will see your cmments in the OP and what you've added since as beyond ridicule and an embarrassment to sensible road users.

A camera doesn't make you big, clever or right. You may be all of those, but there remains the suspicion that you may not be.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'm questioning the moral sanity of fining cyclists who wish to take a quieter route away from 4 lanes of HGV screaming for the next lights.

So long as it's legal. If you are that worried, take a detour, like a few miles ? Or give up cycling ?

We all have crappy road sections that it's wise not to ride, so take a longer route - we all do it, but legally.


Evo Lucas
No I think we all know that.

So you keep cycling in a self centred, selfish, anti-social manner. You continue to help give other cyclists a bad name. You keep giving motorist's and the general public ammunition to hate cyclists more then some already do.
As long as you are ok with that of course...

I'm not ok with that and you're quite correct of course, here is a blatant example of RLJ which isn't helpful. I don't usually cycle in an antisocial way but that morning I was late, had overshot the previous junction and decided to take this cheeky left to get down to Tottenham Court Road.

Just so you know my commute is varied in the city as I have different offices to go to and take different routes.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Meh...not sure about this Gav. From my recollection this always used to be a one way road and was made a contraflow for buses to take a short cut to Shaftesbury. Buses, not other road users

Its never been a road a car or cyclist can travel in that direction (not in the last 50 years or so I mean), so i cant see that the addition of contraflow adds any significant issue to those using the alternative (correct) route as far as using the opposing lane to pass, well, don't pass, or don't pass unless the lane is clear, surely that's no different to the rules and sense of using any carriageway.

Not sure I understand your point here. Also not sure why the OP insists on going that way, plenty of alternative routes, that offer much better riding with no fixed penalties.

All a bit daft.
You've confused me and I think you've misinterpreted my post. :wacko:


Evo Lucas
I do not mention or even imply any connection between your ill-advised actions and any death in London or elsewhere.

I was mocking your suggestion that you'd made the video because you'd read somewhere about (see your own post above).
You may or may not see yourself as an unmockably heroic warrior of street justice for bicyclists.
Many readers of and contributors to these pages will see your cmments in the OP and what you've added since as beyond ridicule and an embarrassment to sensible road users.
A camera doesn't make you big, clever or right. You may be all of those, but there remains the suspicion that you may not be.

Can you define 'making the video' please? Do you mean I intentionally looked to get a FPN or could it mean I decided to post the video of the incident to highlight what I think are inconsistencies in London's policing.

Mock away my friend. Shall we move onto segregated cycle paths?


"Young and Ex-whippet"
More worryingly where do I say I did nothing wrong? I'm questioning the moral sanity of fining cyclists who wish to take a quieter route away from 4 lanes of HGV screaming for the next lights. I think the resources of the Met Police should be directed at efforts to calm our streets and make them safer for all.
You implied it by saying "I will continue to use that route". There is a reason it is for only buses. Its for your safety and others. I am not having a go because you did accept that you knew you were in the wrong but its worrying that you will continue to break the law.


Here for rides.
I'm not ok with that and you're quite correct of course, here is a blatant example of RLJ which isn't helpful. I don't usually cycle in an antisocial way but that morning I was late, had overshot the previous junction and decided to take this cheeky left to get down to Tottenham Court Road.

Just so you know my commute is varied in the city as I have different offices to go to and take different routes.

"I was late blah blah blah I don't usually do that blah blah blah"

That's the same reason every speeding, RLJ'ing, white line crossing, close passing numpty in a car uses every time they narrowly avoid killing one of us.

You are actually the boss of Addison Lee and ICMFP
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