Flu jab......are you for or against ?

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Legendary Member
Checked the NHS guidance and it's over 50s. As I'm in my 40s is it a good idea to pay and get one or not bother?
Do you want to feel like crap and have to take time off work if you catch flu and potentially put others at risk? If the answer is no, then yes. Many employers will cover the cost too.
You could ask your GP - if supplies are a bit short it may be better to wait until the more vulnerable have had a chance???

Or ask in the pharmacy


Legendary Member
You could ask your GP - if supplies are a bit short it may be better to wait until the more vulnerable have had a chance???

Or ask in the pharmacy
My GP at least won't vaccinate non vulnerable under 50s (they said it's because they don't have the means to take payment). I booked mine through the Patient Access App, super easy (or you can ask in a large Asda with a pharmacy who only charge £8, not sure on the other supermarket costs)


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Not had flu jab todate, decision based on observing my fellow pensioners who had it each year, and, each year had various degrees of illness, whilst I didn't.

I am away from home at the moment, but been receiving daily text and emails from my GP's surgery badgering me to book a flu jab and a covid booster.

I do intend to have the Covid Booster, when I get home.

Not sure I understand the Surgery's enthusiasm, is it concern for my well-being, or, do they get paid for everyone they jab?

Edit: just had another text, from Surgery, that is two in one day.
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Our community matron told us DO NOT have both at the same time.......leave it at least 7 days.
I never thought to ask why.
I believe that was the advice pending trial results which showed it’s fine to have Pfizer and flu vaccines together.


Yes.....its a little white pill you disolve on the tongue.
Oct-Feb. Once a day for a week then once a week.
Recommended by a homeopath I 'trusted'.
Herbal or homeopathic?
Herbal medicines may work, but homeopathy is just water and memories.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Had flu jab first time last December. Wasn’t going to bother but got invite and decided why not. I’ve never had flu. I suspect the next flu jab invite will be next December. I suspect it’ll be same time as Covid booster.

I have just had that stinking cold going round. Sore throat, cough, runny nose, bunged up was the progression. Stayed off bike for the past week but been getting daily walks in. Got back on bike today which went fine.


Legendary Member
NE England
I got flu in my 30s, a moron colleague 'struggled into work' for two days with flu. I was one of three colleagues who got it from him.

I was properly laid up for over a week and it left me with permanent asthma. Since then I've had the jab every year.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
I'll be having the flu jab, although haven't had the invitation yet this year. Age puts me close to the back of the queue.

I don't have any reactions or allergies to jabs, so why would I turn it down?
I have no health concerns but every passing year means I'm a little bit more frail & vulnerable, and at higher risk of comorbidities.

I've never knowingly had flu, but my past good health is absolutely no guide to what might happen in the future.

At some point in the future I will mostly likely contract flu; hopefully a back catalogue of jabs will have imbued me with some level of protection.
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