FNRttC York to Hull 27th April 2012

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I've just realised that the route down to Goole (assuming that it hasn't changed) goes right past what is officially the least interesting Landranger grid square in the UK: SE830220, just outside Ousefleet, contains a single electricity pylon. The field contains mud.

I bet it's even more exciting in the middle of the night. I may have to set a proximity alarm on my Garmin so I can take a moment to appreciate it fully.


So it's not just the Humber Bridge that gets the factoids flowing!


Minkowski Space
Simon you have email. I'm out I'm afraid, off the bike for a couple of weeks.

Boo. Broken rib(s) after all?


pre-talced and mighty
I've just realised that the route down to Goole (assuming that it hasn't changed) goes right past what is officially the least interesting Landranger grid square in the UK: SE830220, just outside Ousefleet, contains a single electricity pylon. The field contains mud.

I bet it's even more exciting in the middle of the night. I may have to set a proximity alarm on my Garmin so I can take a moment to appreciate it fully.


So it's not just the Humber Bridge that gets the factoids flowing!
Kim - if it's dry we should stop and you could give us a small talk on the subject!
I iz dot veby well.

Having delivered my children, extraordinarily slowly, to school and rung in sick I'm going to take to m'bed with large quantities of lemsip (well, cheapo pound shop generic equivalent) and cross my fingers for a miraculous recovery before Friday. And if that doesn't work I might just sulk and cry for a week.


Dog on a bike
Boo. Broken rib(s) after all?
Well cracked but I don't think the difference in pain levels is that great. The worst things are muscle spasms between the ribs or even worse sneezing!! And I appear to be coming down with a cold! B*****d luck!! I think I will join CL in sulking and crying for a week. Am determined to make Southend though.


black belt lounge lizard
Now then Crinkles...
I signed up for this on the basis that I would have the company of YOU & that lady from Toytown.
Mrs.Toytown has already gottogotoworkduetoacrapemployer & will not be riding:sad: The task of looking after me now rests soley with you....
Seriously I do hope you are well enough to ride.
I'll see you at your place before the ride as arranged:smile:


black belt lounge lizard
I can't find an email, but I'm veggie for breakfast, please.

Does anyone know a pleasant and safe route back to Doncaster, and does any one else want to ride it, too?
I'm planning to ride south after Hull but on a more direct route to Lincoln on a road parallelling the A15 before hanging a left right turn to go east,then south then west of Derby.
This may be too far east for you after re-crossing the Humber Bridge?


pre-talced and mighty
weather forecast says it will be dry - but we'll have to work hard against a headwind for the second half of the ride
Met Office (what I could wring from the horrible new website) supports precisely what dellzeqq says: Tailwind but rain for first half; crosswind but dry for the second. I've found their predictions (up to three days) accurate.


Random geezer
the horrible new website
I agree re website, I can't see why they have done it like that.
I shall pack my Argos £9 old-fashioned plastic cycle cape in bright yellow. For the ride from Hull to London starting late on Saturday night, a northerly wind, can, by the expenditure of less than three pints of beer, be turned into a totally-ecologically-perfect method of power for tired cyclists. I know this.
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