Found out today we're seperating

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Amazing - someone has the rug pulled out from under their life and they are posting a sequence of chirpy little messages in The Football thread.

I can't take this thread seriously - bye.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Amazing - someone has the rug pulled out from under their life and they are posting a sequence of chirpy little messages in The Football thread.

I can't take this thread seriously - bye.

I thought someone might pull me up on that. What am i supposed to do..go into terminal depression or something? A bit of trench or gallows humour takes the weight off the problem for a while. Believe me,i'm not happy with life but i've faced worse and still been able to smile about things.
That's just bloody awful. There is always a better future though, I've been married and divorced twice, I'm no longer a spring chicken either, yet i have found love and am happier than I've ever been in my life.
If i can manage this so can you. Life will get better.


Legendary Member
Women! You can't live with them and you can't kill them, apparently.


Legendary Member
Right,i've spoken to her about what's happened.I went in and asked her why we are supposed to be separating. She put on this We've spoken about this the other week and decided we were separating act,and she just happened to mention it on yon Facebook. I put it to her that she's been seen with someone else which she kind of denied, She said the reason for her decision is because i don't pull my weight around the house and don't show her and our daughter any affection. She said i'm selfish and it's time we moved on. I'll accept the don't pull my weight bit,but because i'm not the lovey kissy type doesn't mean i don't care about them! A lot of it was petty. I think she's using the affection bit as an excuse to overshadow the new man in her life bit.
I asked her if there was any chance of her changing her mind, she said no. After 24 years of marriage i don't know how her mind works. She kept saying stuff like you don't clean up or you leave rubbish around for me to pick up. Surely petty stuff like that isn't enough reason to end our long term relationship is it? Again, i think it's just an excuse to run off with someone else. I told her i won't be moving out and left it at that.

Petty stuff to you maybe, obviously not to her. Did you know your ways upset her years ago? Do not pull your weight, why on earth not I just cannot get some guys and I am one of them.


Touch it up and ride it
I went round to a customers house to do the windows today. He's not just a customer but a friend of my wife's from work and i'd class him as a friend of mine as well. He looked a bit glum, then said "I'm sorry to hear about you and (Wife's name)". Why what've you heard i asked. "That you're separating" he said. It hit me like a brick! I know we are going through a bad time at home and i've had strong suspicions that she's been seeing someone else but to broadcast it on social media and without me and her actually deciding that we are to separate, then it's a bit bad i'd say! My head's been in a spin since i heard. I'm dreading her coming home. Before anyone says i'm doing the same announcing it on social media please remember i'm not giving out identities like she's done.Anyway,i'm getting ready to go out before she gets home. It might be cowardly but i can't face her.

sounds like you are better off without her if you ask me @Accy cyclist , i have been through similar ordeal and came out the other side ok
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just spoken to her again about it. She says that she wants to buy my half share in the house. I said i'm not agreeing to anything yet. I don't think she's happy about that.
She's forever on that bloody phone, probably on that Facebook rubbish? It's so easy these days to meet someone else through social media. If it wasn't around and so tempting maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.
Anyway,on the subject of social media she's just told me that a 26 year old a few houses down has been found dead on Sunday afternoon. I know the family have been having problems with him, the police visit quite a lot and there was a serious altercation on the front a few weeks ago with a group of lads turning up in a car and a fight taking place. It's reported to be either murder or suicide. I know the dad. What's happening to me is minuscule in comparison to his grief!
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