FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast 22nd October to Whitstable 2010

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Al, I'm gutted and mortified and distraught, all rolled up into one! :cry:

p.s. I'm over it now :smooch:


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Sorry you can't make it Al. Would have been good to catch up with you again.

What? No sarcasm in my post? Sorry, let me rephrase... I work for a US company, am still at work, and don't expect to leave the office until an hour before kick off.

So what's your excuse again??? ;)


Cat 6 Racer
I'm out. :sad:

Just had the most stressful day at work and too mentally drained to contemplate cycling all night - I don't think I'd be safe on the road.

Extremely pissed off about it - I've really tried so hard to avoid this happening, then feckless colleague goes and calls in "sick" today (ie hung over), leaving a whole heap of shoot on my shoulders, which circumstances just conspired to make worse as the day went on. It's so bloody unfair. I just want to curl up in a corner and cry.

Anyway, it's looking like being a glorious night for a bike ride so I hope you all enjoy it. Hopefully see you all next time...

Simon, hope you got my text and/or email...



Post of The Year 2009 winner
(Am not reading weather forecasts for fear of bringing the (fully fendered) panzerfiets out. Will likely regret this later... )


Well-Known Member
Hope you lovely chaps have a great time..I am working tomorrow so will be thinking of you guys holding forth at Whitstable.

Now has Aperitif got his salt cellar ready for his buttered bread? :biggrin:


Chief Kebab Taster
Sorry you can't make it Al. Would have been good to catch up with you again.

What? No sarcasm in my post? Sorry, let me rephrase... I work for a US company, am still at work, and don't expect to leave the office until an hour before kick off.

So what's your excuse again??? ;)

Yes, going to miss you too, Al. 'Maybe i can be your bodyguard...'

Yes working malarky is a right bane of our live, maybe i should retire early too as these late nights are killers. Luckily i packed this morning so can bypass home on the way up. Home also has the full watetproofs.. but were not going to need that now anyhow, and besides, wind effected and flappy wet so-called proofs are no substitue for streamlined wet lycra....


Bionic Subsonic
Good luck everyone have a great ride :smile:

Don't get too wet


I've just been to the pub and had a pint or four. Now having tea and toast in kitchen.

Just reflecting, with beer assistance, could life get better than this:

Cycled home from work (knocked off early).
Cycled to pub.
Cycled home.
Tea + toast.
Now, more cycling - HPC -> Rochester (where bacon sandwich already ordered) -> Whitstable - another breakfast, then back to beer.
Then some trains and things which I will probably nod off on and, eventually proper sleep (ie in a bed).

Shame some people can't / won't make it but see everyone who is still coming in half an hour or so!
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