FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast April 15th Manchester to Blackpool 2011

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West London
Rotten for Miranda, hope she gets well soon. That kind of bad job by Halfords seems all too common. A couple of months back, my LBS did an evening seminar for roadies- maintenance tips, buying advice, fitting, etc, including a section on carbon fibre care and the importance of not overtightening. During the tea break, a guy with a brand new Boardman Carbon bike asked them to look it over. The Halfords employee had put (if memory serves) 16Nm of torque on the stem instead of 4- it was an accident waiting to happen. And the poor bloke had to get back to East Meon (12-13 miles away)....

Pls read my post above


Glad to hear she's OK. And next time I'll be carrying my Hypercracker cassette removal thingy. I didn't have it with me as it isn't needed for the Rohloff'd Nomad I was using.
It was tempting to start a sub thread Friday Night Ride to the Coast April 15th Manchester to Blackburn as the ride for me took a different route... And until then I had been having such fun. The magnetic power of these rides pulling cycles and cyclists from all over the country transforms them to Dellzeqq hosted parties on wheels. They are fantastic.

My introduction to the locals of this location started with the clash of wardrobes in the ladies loo at Manchester station with me looking like a tadpole-ready-to-go-mining alongside high heels and higher hemlines of the lipglossed, french manicured mancunian nightlife whose vodka red bull consumption had started some time earlier. A little later as we made our way through the city boy did we have some great comments, cheers and disbelief from many of their male counterparts ie others on the route.

Andrew led us through the city and in pied-piper fashion the group grew and grew. I was on two wheels and loving it (Delzeqq always recommends ditching luggage and I had taken him at his word and ditched - for this ride - a whole wheel (aka my trike).

So off we went - TECs changing places with wayfarers (appearing at the front for a chat, disappearing to do some wayfaring then reappearing and back into the conversation - brilliant and who must do at least twice the length of the ride of others). We were all cycling and chatting (Hello Shaun!), discussing anything and everything in massive enthusiasm onwards out into the darkness of the moon. The rolling hills, that fantstic apparition of flashing red lights all blinking together, the tandem with Emily at the tiller looking like an extremely experienced cyclist - I was grinning from ear to ear - it was all going so well... And then it wasnt. Somewhere in the darkness I came a cropper climbing a hill in the wrong gear -reaching out for the hedge to lean against and crash. Down I go. Missed the hedge, so straight down onto my side. Within nano seconds two people I have never met - and still havent met - carefully picked me and my bike up, asking injury assessment questions, put me carefully back on my feet, accompany me to the top of the hill whilst they bring my bike. They wait and watch me carefully climb back onto the bike and we continue the ride. Great!

A while later, up another hill and the chain makes a big grindy noise and the pedals jam, over I go but to the left this time as my right arm is definitely unamused by events so far. And who should be there,picking up me and my bike but these two people I still have not met. They suggest I eat something and immediately hand me a gel. That was delicious!

My bike however was not faring so well. The chain had put itself between the spokes and the chain ring. I watched in awe as Dellzeqq, theclaud, Brian, Olav, Arian C and at least three other fabulous people took the bike apart, wheel off, the figure of 8 thing was completely dismantled, removed, chain fitted in place and thingy reassembled - including Teef who was at the front of the ride coming all the way back to help. They fixed it. And Adrian C offered me some of the legendary Crinkly Lion cake. Absolutely delicious.

Back on the bike and we were away. Just below a church which stood at the top of the hill silhoueted by a clear, clear sky. Onwards. It was all downhill from here on. Seriously downhill. I rode to Blackburn - view astounding - down a hill that almost inverted it was so steep, under the kind and patient eye of the claud. My right arm was beginning to hurt quite a lot. It definitely didnt like moving very much. We made our way to Blackburn Asdas to rejoin the others who were apparently all on bit of a spending spree - at three o'clock in the morning.

Asda was a blessing in disguise because the entrance was on a small (weency under the circumstances) hill. As I came up to it the pain in my arm was so sciatic-like and strong I knew I couldnt go on. So even when Dellzeqq suggested the option of a further seven miles to ribbleworthplace I knew I would potentially be walking there, so not an option. It's a hell of a thing adjusting to the concept of not completing a ride. The realisation takes a moment to sink in. My arm had forced the decision. And I would far rather do some of a ride than not ride at all.

My saving grace is that I was able to reach Blackburn - albeit at a very gentle pace with lovely encouragement from Claudine and guidance from Olav who kept me very amused as he was hairing around on his Brompton. Olav I hope thats your name.

We all headed into Blackburn City Centre, a cab was found, price established and with waves of goodbyes from 30 or so fabulous riders my bicycle and I headed to Manchester. After about 10 minutes the driver stopped and put the seatbelt carefully around my bicycle. In Manchester we asked several people for directions and thanks to google maps and my iphone I was soon at Manchester Piccadilly. Arrived at 4.40 and caught the 5.25 train - along with many City supporters heading to Wembley.

Arriving in London a friend asked by text what Blackpool was like. I explained that things hadnt quite gone to plan. He suggested a&e, just to check. I thought he was joking. But took his advice. He was right. After xray and initial pulled muscle diagnosis it turns out I have an undisplaced fracture of the humoral head. I have fractured my humorus bone towards the top. So I am in a sling until Tuesdays appointment with the fracture clinic and no cycling, trycycling and scootering for 4-6 weeks.

So I had a different ride. I didnt make it to Blackpool. I couldnt raise a cheer to Emily - so I do that from here. Well done. Absolutely brilliant.

It was only possible for me to return home thanks to the supreme care and kindness that pours through every single person who signs up for these rides. It is so humbling. And a complete priveledge for me to experience. And that includes the two people I havent met.




  • 1 Arriving at Manchester Square.jpg
    1 Arriving at Manchester Square.jpg
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    Blurry but hello.jpg
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    6 And we are off.jpg
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  • 10 Perfect Teef of course.jpg
    10 Perfect Teef of course.jpg
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  • 11 Groupings outside that house with the occupier in the window.jpg
    11 Groupings outside that house with the occupier in the window.jpg
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    12 An undisplaced fracture of the humoral head.jpg
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Milton Keynes
Sorry to hear you have a fracture, Miranda - I hope the healing is swift.

Others have described many aspects of the ride and I can only echo their delight, and thanks, as ever to Simon, and our guide, Andrew. After declining (bottling) the frozen opportunity of Southend last month, it was good to get out for my first Fridays ride of 2011 and it was fun to do something new. Blackpool, though, was a depressing place.

A few photos here:

FNRttC April 2011


Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
Copied from YACF:-

I'll, maybe, post a little more tomorrow when a) I'm less tired and b) slightly less pissed social

I had a lovely night/day.

Bed-time now.

Edit: GWS Miranda.


Openly Marxist
[QUOTE 1329329"]
Not being funny there is no such thing as 'overshifting'. That's a set up issue on the rear mech with the limit screws not being calibrated correctly.

Looking at pic of the bike, it looks new, and is a Boardman so I presume Halfords are the retailer? I'd be inclined to enquire about the age of the bike, who set it up and then go and slap their face with a wet kipper - several times.

Sure- it's a setup issue- wasn't implying rider error. She had a tough ride the few miles from there to Blackburn cos we advised her not to use lowest gear, so she played it safe and rode up hills in terrifyingly tough gears...
Yes - get better soon Miranda. It was unlucky and is further reason for developing a degree of protective padding. I have never broken a bone in my stomach, bot-oom, waist, chest, either chin, etc etc... :biggrin:

I feel great this morning, after an amusing Saturday. 'Five go to Preston' was relentless, and I was pleased to be sensible in the face of Frank & Adrian's love hate relationship. (They love hating each other! :biggrin:)

Simon says 'Check your bike'. He says it before every ride. Adam says 'Thoroughly check your tyres, regularly'. We're all not expert mechanics but, little by little we learn how our bikes feel, sound, ride - and observe what other people have done to maybe make their ride more comfortable... some things just happen, and 'a snowball arrives at the bottom of the hill'. New bike, new set up, unfamiliar to rider, different terrain, sometimes demanding shifts, and unfortunate combination - who knows what happened? so no- one is culpable - apart from Brian, for not having used the right screw in the right jockey wheel, and thern not using the right washer with the right ... ah who cares, that's why we do it! :rolleyes: :smile:


pre-talced and mighty
so....where to begin? Well, the Albert Memorial seemed as good a place as any, and with 28 of us gathered at 23.30, and Andrew Br happy to lead, and the TEC team arranged to Adrian's satisfaction I waved the happy crew off and settled down to wait for Andrij, Teef, Marcus and Charlie. Who were elsewhere, having gone straight past the Town Hall. After some complex phone calls and re-arranging we met up in Deansgate and headed north in a sprightly fashion at 00.10, hoping to catch them up at Bury. Which we did, although not before they'd been waiting for ten minutes, doubtless charmed by Bury's Town Hall,

Bury was a joy to go through - people clapped and shouted encouragement, and offered us money (which I refused - sorry girls, but Teef's not for sale at any price) and we whizzed round the ring road in fine style, Chris taking point duty at the vital place.

Up into the night sky....the FNRttCers swung along at a very respectable pace indeed. Buryites out enjoying the night air wished us well, and we tottered through Tottington iin pretty close order. The sky was clear, and view to Ramsbottom was a delight. We collected at the Ramsbottom Road, and waited outside a large stone house. The owner had been in his garden, looking at us with a kind of jaundiced eye, and definitely not coming over to say hello, and if it is he referred to above, we didn't wake him up.

We descended decorously, and I stopped to chat to the small crowd outside the Rose and Crown in Edgworth who, again, offered us money (sorry, chaps, but she's spoken for). The tailenders were in great shape as they came up the hill, with some spectacularly low gears coming in to play. Kathryn looked really cheerful, and Alan, who is a bit of a powerhouse was driving the tandem up, looked as if he could do a few more of the same..

Which was just as well, because there were a few more. And up we went time and time again until, on the last hill, Miranda's derailleur stop (or lack of it) did her in. There followed a lengthy intermission. Gina and Susmito gave Miranda some WonderGel, and I wrestled vainly with the cassette. Claudine produced a short length of chain, we phoned for Teef, who latched on to the chain with some pliers, and turned the cassette back where I had failed, releasing the chain. Aftter some messing about with jockey wheel bolts we sent Miranda off with Claudine, and then Teef, not content with coercing cassettes, applied the same Teefpower to his chain, which, being mere metal, sundered.

Chain fixed we started the second chase of the night, catching Miranda and Claudine just before Blackburn and finding the FNRttCers getting their feet warm under Kerry and Jason's table. I'd reckoned on Miranda having fractured something, but having ridden with a cracked elbow I thought (without troubling the two doctors on the trip for an opinion) that she'd get to Blackburn and possibly Ribchester before the swelling got to her. She opted for the cab, and, as we went round the Blackburn one way system we found a cab and got a fixed price to Piccadilly out of him. Our Lady of the Rotated Cuff stepped in to her carriage and was whisked southward, while the rest of us toddled off up to Wilpshire, and took the left turn for what was the Descent of the Night down to the River Ribble.

If you could bottle the joy of that descent you'd make a fortune. I watched some of the younger riders zoom down ahead of me, and, then, as the road turns left to go over the humped bridge, slowed to wonder at the lights streaking down the hill. That, my friends, is what a night ride is all about.

It was a happy crowd that arrived at the Carmen Rose, and they got happier when they saw the tray of goodies in front of them. George and Pam were obviously pleased to see us, and that counts for lot at a halfway stop. If only they could be persuaded to run Gatwick Airport.

We set off again at ten to five. I say 'we' set off again at 'ten to five' but some miscreants had to be prised from the Carmen Rose, and Adrian and I finally got them moving at five o'clock. I asked Adrian if I should go to the front, and he said that I should (that's what friends are for), so the third chase of the night was on. Andrew Br had kept the front in check, and I caught him at Longridge where we waited for the rest....who, once again, came in in great shape.

From Longridge it's down hill. The FNRttCers whooshed along the B5269, a road that has more holes than seems fair, and stopped every few miles to collect. It was a splendid ride, made even more splendid by the field boundary bends in the road and the morning mist, which at times looked like the work of some overwrought watercolouriste. Dawn's stain crept up behind us, and the sunrise was almost the equal of the sunrise on the Southend ride. Blackpool hove in to view - Chris taking the Tower Prize - and we rode in to town through a wealth of bungalows surrounded by cherry blossom, maples in first leaf, willows neatly trimmed and the occasional lime - a tree not much seen in London these days. Quilligans was sorting itself out so we checked out the seafront, ignoring signs telling us not to (Blackpool's Council having decided to regenerate the town by closing down the Prom) and returned to the cafe for breakfast.

Susie and I had seats booked on the 8.45, so we made our excuses straight after breakfast. I'm sure that the Usual Suspects (if I can use the term) appreciated Quilligans more licensed charms.

We made our way home slowly, having outwitted Virgin's lunatic pricing regime, although I sensed a certain impatience in my companion as we made the connection between New Street and Moor Street to join a suburban diesel bound, eventually, for London. Still, she joined in the football conversation with two soon-to-be-disappointed Reds while a couple of dozen City fans did their best to make light blue shirts with 'Etihad' written on them look not entirely silly. Quite how we found ourselves in a taxi at Marylebone I'm not sure, but I can't remember it being in the Dellzeqq Fare Strategy.....

Well done, one and all. You were absolutely splendid. Congratulations to Emily, and thanks to Teef, Brian and Olaf for mechanical mightiness. Well done Kathryn, who turned my worries to water (bike looks better without the rack, though) and to Miranda who, lest we forget, shot up the hill to Tottington at the front of the ride - not bad for someone who's been riding a proper bike for only six weeks. Thanks to Thom and Andrij and Adrian and Teef again for TECing, and to Claudine for cossetting Miranda after her fall.

We owe a vote of thanks to Andrew Br who joined me on two recce rides and marshalled the front of the ride on the night for over half the distance. Thankyou, Andrew. Great job.
Pre- 'Mirandagate', the head of the peloton posed for a measly photograph (as in measly photographer skills, not the subjects :rolleyes:) and warmed the stone bench for the First Lady of rides...


L-R: Chris/Landslide, Frank/Frank956784321, Mick/Mistral, Paul/marinyork, Thom/Thom F, Chris/Christopher (ex-Frustruck), Andrew/McWobble

Seat duly warmed, Chris decided to stay put as Susie took her rightful place, to survey the landscape before her. She was accosted by Olaf, our mad German inventor, who was trying to sell her a pair of his Kryptonite hand warmers, shown here at full power!




Simon has created another classic Friday night out in northern climbs (some quite taxing).

Chapeau to Emily and best wishes to Miranda, get well soon.

As the trials and tribulations of the night have already been well documented, I will concentrate on the post ride shenanigans.

Blackpool council in their wisdom had decided to completely remove the entire road along the seafront rendering our little pre-breakfast sightseeing diversion into a ride through a construction site worthy of the rough stuff fellowship.

Breakfasting at Quilligans (Blackpool’s answer to Quaglino’s?) was pleasant enough, pricing was reasonable and the food hit the spot. Our thirst overcame us and we were forced to partake in a swift half or two as various more sensible cyclists departed for the trip home.

Quilligans was soon full with the fine citizens of Blackpool. On this admittedly limited sample, the use of the word ugly would be unkind, shall we just say they all seemed to have great faces for radio.

The remaining (dregs) five of us sought solace in the picturesque and historic town of Preston. The journey there was a mini adventure in itself as we battled through the frenzied shoppers, created mayhem as Frank choreographed a rolling photo-shoot as we rode past several of the stations we actually needed. Adrian’s bladder dictated the station we should use, although a local gent advised us that there was no convenience on the platform. Adrian proved him wrong.

Failing to find a Pret or an Eat in Preston we settled on a fine hostelry with a paved beer garden, just an arms length from the busy inner ring road. Although plant free we knew it was a garden as a large German Shepherd was removing soil from the beds.

It must have had some connection with the local probation and prison services as the clientele all seemed to have considerable knowledge of such matters. “£50 for drunk in charge of a pushchair ....I wasn’t even that pi$$ed” It would also appear dentists are scarce in Preston, or maybe they put their skills to use in Tattoo parlours instead.

Unfortunately we had a train to catch, so had to curtail our chat with the charming locals.

With some smooth talking, a small amount of cash changing hands and delft diversionary tactics the five of us and Frank’s dismantled bike found ourselves sat together in 1[sup]st[/sup] class. Some enjoyed more beer - despite Virgin Trains disintegrating bags resulting in several cans exploding on the buffet car floor......

Thank you all for the ride, organisation, company etc. etc.
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