FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast Brighton 23rd November

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Kilometre nibbler
Weather forecast for Saturday morning nasty black clouds dropping rain from 9am onwards, getting nastier. I think I'll tootle up the railway line (Hassocks, Haywards Heath 3 bridges ...) and just get the train when it gets unbearable, which could be as soon as Brighton station.

Not actually along the tracks you understand, but along roads parallel to the railway.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Thanks McW - I did eventually get an x-ray which didn't really show anything, but according to the physio cracks in heel bones often don't show up. I'm copying your Burnham ride hobbling gait at the moment; hope your ankle is continuing to improve.

Steve Jones

Active Member
Maidenhead? How is it that you have not done a Slough ride with us lot yet?? :smile:
What Slough rides? That's where I was raised and went to school. Currently I sometimes do a Sunday run out with the Maidenhead & District Cycling Club, but that's about it. Slough I only go through occasionally when I'm crossing down from Burnham Beeches to Windsor.


Openly Marxist
Sorry everyone, I'm not going to make this ride after all. I fell down my loft ladder a couple of weeks ago (scary at the time; slightly comical in retrospect) and it seems I might have compressed or even cracked my heel bone - it's extremely painful and I'm meant to be walking with a stick! I can cycle, but I haven't been (too busy working, and getting ready to move hence the multiple trips up into the loft) so I'm very unfit. Ergo, if I'm defeated by any of the hills on the way I just won't be able to get off and walk. Then there's all the walking to and from the trains ... and to and from the bar afterwards.

I was so looking forward to seeing everyone for what will probably be the last night ride of the season, so I'm gutted. Have fun and don't delay with the ride reports please.

Bugger. Hope to see you at the Madeira.


In between here and there
Good trip Boys & Girls, last one of the year? May fair weather follow you, if not Blame Johnny Jeez :-)

Having taken 2 week to de-crypt Dellzegg affilate message, and having now signed up via the blogspot I will defintely attend one (if not more) of these next year! How does one pay the huge Fridays annual fee, cash in hand?


For some odd reason, Dellzeqq isn't keen on lots of clinking money donations at the start of a ride, but is more welcoming of them at breakfast.

I've currently got eight chargers plugged into various batteries, bike lights, and one mobile phone. Hopefully that's most stuff sorted out! I popped into Sainsburys on my way home to stock up on some munches, and the tumble drier should be solving some of my clothing issues, excepting exactly what combination to wear.

It looks like it'll be mostly dry and mild. The cats are in support of that, Zev making herself comfy in the living room, and Kai not having been seen for a couple of days.

I'm about to stuff my face with some fuel, and do some minor fettling to Red.


Dog on a bike
If you pay DZ at breakfast you need to email him to remind him. I've got no idea why he forgets. I don't think it's age related yet so probably needs to be attributed to the yellow beer. :smile:


pre-talced and mighty
Good trip Boys & Girls, last one of the year? May fair weather follow you, if not Blame Johnny Jeez :-)

Having taken 2 week to de-crypt Dellzegg affilate message, and having now signed up via the blogspot I will defintely attend one (if not more) of these next year! How does one pay the huge Fridays annual fee, cash in hand?
next year it will be all electronic payment. I'm going to get the maximum out of my free Barclays Community Group band account.
E-mail with details next week.


Dog on a bike
How would you know - the only times you've stayed around I ended up having to subsidise your lager habit and then point you in the right direction...
You fibber! I've always paid my half. As to pointing the right direction, I feel there is room for improvement there :biggrin:


Have a fine ride peeps!

Being in from work not so long ago is the main reason I'm depriving you of my company.

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