FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - te 'Genteel' ride to Brighton on 23rd July 2010

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Silencing his legs regularly
Missed you Stu, whilst on sommelier duty Adrian told me of your mishap.

Get well soon my friend and let your bike wear its scars with pride.

I'm not going to spend £150 to get rid of those scars, just annoyed it's got them so soon. Bleedin' hill........!!!!


Dog on a bike
It's big Martin I'm worried about - seems he's likely to bonk at 50 miles... :tongue:

Oh and by the way 144 miles


Lover of things that come in 3's
Stu, that's lousy luck, has to happen on a new shiny-shiny as well, hope you heal up ok.

Glad everything else went well, I sat at home looking at spec on bents :ohmy:


Silencing his legs regularly
Stu, that's lousy luck, has to happen on a new shiny-shiny as well, hope you heal up ok.

Glad everything else went well, I sat at home looking at spec on bents :ohmy:

You too, mate. My mum reckons the Viner's unlucky for me (prang last year, then the BB thing, then this)- I wish she wouldn't tempt fate like that!! Looking forward to seeing your n+1 some time!


Active Member
London, UK
All, thanks so very much.

Stu, glad you're letting yourself mend, hope your ma wasn't distressed from the roadside call, she sounded pretty chill.

I can't believe i got up that hill. Thanks to Andy for the duct tape bling on my glasses. And to all those i chatted with en route, but especially the quiet calm of the reigate 7. To the organiser: you're a legend! And before this sounds all oscars-y, I'm gonna zone out some more (cider at the beach was ace, mates!).

Oh, and thanks loads for letting me ride the recumbent, that totally freaked me out. Glad i have no space for one...


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Stu, glad you are not too badly hurt. Hoping all the cut's, bruises and pain clears up quickly.

From my view point (I was about 5 feet behind you on your left) it looked really nasty. I am pretty sure you hit a cat eye. They we not the usual small ones, these where big blighters. It looked like it snatched your front wheel with the result that it threw you to the ground. When I got to you you were quite confused and looked like you had been knocked out for a moment, It was very lucky that a cop car was following the ride as they were curious about all the cyclists at that time of night and what the ride was about. It was the police who called the ambulance and in the meantime a fire engine also turned up offering help. So congrat's Stu...you had all the 3 services looking after your welfare.



Silencing his legs regularly
All, thanks so very much.

Stu, glad you're letting yourself mend, hope your ma wasn't distressed from the roadside call, she sounded pretty chill.

I can't believe i got up that hill. Thanks to Andy for the duct tape bling on my glasses. And to all those i chatted with en route, but especially the quiet calm of the reigate 7. To the organiser: you're a legend! And before this sounds all oscars-y, I'm gonna zone out some more (cider at the beach was ace, mates!).

She said thanks for the call- naturally goes from me as well, though I'm sure Si would have made one later anyway. I think it was more a case of being woken up in the wee hours than being chilled- she hasn't fussed too much though.


Active Member
London, UK
Wish I had stats for pedal revolutions though!!!!!

Stats = lots. Ta dah! You're welcome!


Silencing his legs regularly
Stu, glad you are not too badly hurt. Hoping all the cut's, bruises and pain clears up quickly.

From my view point (I was about 5 feet behind you on your left) it looked really nasty. I am pretty sure you hit a cat eye. They we not the usual small ones, these where big blighters. It looked like it snatched your front wheel with the result that it threw you to the ground. When I got to you you were quite confused and looked like you had been knocked out for a moment, It was very lucky that a cop car was following the ride as they were curious about all the cyclists at that time of night and what the ride was about. It was the police who called the ambulance and in the meantime a fire engine also turned up offering help. So congrat's Stu...you had all the 3 services looking after your welfare.


That would explain it- and yes, I was most definitely knocked out, can't remember a thing about it. Yup, they were all rather handy, wish the ambulance guys had been a bit more thorough about the dressings though- Adrian redressed my hand at Brighton station, and my mum dressed the thigh wound- also skinned a bit.

It almost goes without saying- but certainly shouldn't- thanks to Ian, Adrian, Simon and everyone else who looked after me so well. I know that's what we do, but.....Much obliged, guys and girls.

Anyway, can someone please do a report on the ride. With some pictures. I'm sure there was some bike riding last night, not just me crashing......!
Simon's mentioned that there was another prang on Slugwash Lane. Hope whoever that was is OK.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
So apart from Stuey's throwing himself to the tarmac scenario, another very successful FNRttC.

The Ditching Beacon party for His Regal Leggship was fabulous and brilliant at the same time. A FNRttC legendary moment.

So, there where a lot of firsts on this ride.
3 New FNRttC'ers (There where a lot more, but these where the 3 that decided to SMRbtH)

Martin235, Halo J and M Grant

First FNRttC
First SMRbtH
First 100+ miler (His previous PB distance was 50 miles)
First 200+ km'ers
First ascent of Ditchling Beacon

Martin after reaching his maiden 100 miler. (Martin 2nd from right)


Next up was Halo J
First FNRttc
First SMRbtH
First 100+ miler
First 200+ Km'ers
First ascent of Ditchling Beacon

HaloJ celebrates her maiden 100 miler
(L-R M Grant, Zig Zag, ILB, Me. Arallsopp, Halo J, Topcat1, Martin235)


Finally M Grant
First FNRttC
First SMRbtH
First 100 miler
First 200+ Km'ers
First ascent of Ditchling Beacon.

Mark kneeling to celebrate his 100 (The Fitness sign was co-incidental.. honest)


The SMRbth was hard work, the pace was high and there was a lot of climbing, especially on the first half. So Chapeau to the new guys and gals...

Aha.. there are a couple of more firsts.
At Croydon most went their separate ways. I had another mad plan. Why not cycle all the way back to Wellington Arch HPC. Only one take.. Halo J.
After the earlier exertions it was tough work, but we got there and roped an American tourist to take the obligatory pic.

(Has anyone else actually done the same? A FNRttC and back to HPC?)


HaloJ had 10 miles to cycle home, so I guessed she ended up with 140+ for the day.
I had 20 mile journey home and finished on 160 for the day. A personal distance best for me.. and boy am I feeling it.

Roll on August FNRttC.

Mark Grant

Acting Captain of The St Annes Jombulance.
Hanworth, Middx.
My third FNRttC and a memorable one! The celebrations at the top of Ditchling were cracking, a big well done to all involved in the organisation an Happy Birthday Simon.
I had thought about riding home but sitting cream crackered in the Madeira Cafe I was changing my plans to the train. Ian, however seduced me with notions of a nice steady pace and an easy route... LIES!
I made it though, and even rode my first century along with Abby & Martin. Ian recorded the moment for posterity with a photo.
I left the group at Croydon to return home via Morden and Kingston.
Thanks to all on the return ride for the encouragement, I'm tired but chuffed. By the time I arrived home I'd done 130 miles.



Legendary Member
Does anyone have contact details for the guy in the green top from Willesden CC who was riding the cross bike?
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