FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast to Southend-on-Sea 30th April 2010

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Thanks everybody for making me so welcome on my first FNRTTC. I really enjoyed the event, even the challenges of weather, crashes and delay don't seem so bad looking back. I cycled back with a small group then peeled off and went to the Tilbury Ferry. The grumpy ferry captain said "for F***s sake" as I zoomed down the ramp just as he was about to cast off, but he let me on anyway. I am now feeling refreshed after food, shower and sleep.
I took a few pictures if you would like to take a look.



Bexley, Kent
Thanks from me too. An eventful first FNRttC, but fun nonetheless. Well done to all those who worked to keep us all together, particularly to Simon who organises it all.


And hopefully see you on the next one.



known as Olaf in real life
Brexit Boomtown
I was really shaken by the accident, which happend right ahead of me. Best wishes for Andrew! I sincerely hope you´ll recover soon.
In spite of the sad incident, the rain and the abundance of punctures I absolutely enjoyed the ride. Thanks a lot Simon! See you soon
PS: The track of the ride is available here, BTW: http://bit.ly/bBzyKw


Milton Keynes
ChrisBailey said:
Clive set off to rejoin the main group, hope you made it.

I did thanks, Chris - glad you got a train all right. I did do a circuit of Stanford Le Hope before being found by Tom - to whom many thanks. And to the others who gathered me up - Tim in particular.

It was certainly an eventful ride and I am sure we will all be pleased to hear that Andrew is OK.


Über Member
Sounds eventful to say the least. Suddenly I don't feel so bad about missing this one.

Is there any news on Andrew? What was the damage?


known as Olaf in real life
Brexit Boomtown
AdrianC said:
I see now. From Stanford-Le-Hope the ride went along two sides of a triangle, to Fobbing then north to the seven dials roundabout. Having become detached I directed the tail along the straighter route and because we were riding faster to catch up we ended up ahead.

Sounds almost like a military operation :biggrin:


Chief Kebab Taster
Well what an interesting fnrttc and smrbtl and home that was? Firstly i hope andrew and other crash victims are doing well!

Thanks once again to simon waymarkers and tecs and well done to all the first timers. All in all a soul searching ride for sure and my first wet fnrttc, but a good one none the less.

Iarrived home bout an hour ago and just about enter my local for a well deserved beer or ten! Finished on just over 180miles, a new pb, of which thanks stevevw and tc 1&2 fir Letting me draft them


Chief Kebab Taster
Well what an interesting fnrttc and smrbtl and home that was? Firstly i hope andrew and other crash victims are doing well!

Thanks once again to simon waymarkers and tecs and well done to all the first timers. All in all a soul searching ride for sure and my first wet fnrttc, but a good one none the less.

Iarrived home bout an hour ago and just about enter my local for a well deserved beer or ten! Finished on just over 180miles, a new pb, of which thanks stevevw and tc 1&2 fir Letting me draft them

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Davywalnuts said:
Well what an interesting fnrttc and smrbtl and home that was? Firstly i hope andrew and other crash victims are doing well!

Thanks once again to simon waymarkers and tecs and well done to all the first timers. All in all a soul searching ride for sure and my first wet fnrttc, but a good one none the less.

Iarrived home bout an hour ago and just about enter my local for a well deserved beer or ten! Finished on just over 180miles, a new pb, of which thanks stevevw and tc 1&2 fir Letting me draft them

Davywalnuts said:
Well what an interesting fnrttc and smrbtl and home that was? Firstly i hope andrew and other crash victims are doing well!

Thanks once again to simon waymarkers and tecs and well done to all the first timers. All in all a soul searching ride for sure and my first wet fnrttc, but a good one none the less.

Iarrived home bout an hour ago and just about enter my local for a well deserved beer or ten! Finished on just over 180miles, a new pb, of which thanks stevevw and tc 1&2 fir Letting me draft them
Davy, you're getting repetitive!


Silencing his legs regularly
My previous post might make it seem like that I didn't enjoy last night....most definitely not so, despite the dampening effects of the incidents and weather. As ever, splendid company from all and sundry, sterling work by wayfinders and TECs, and a cracking breakfast at the Rose. Not forgetting Mrs Olaf's splendid marble cake.
And +1 praise for Rachel's outstanding solo tandem efforts. Plenty of resistance training there!!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Blimey, well done Davey..it was obviously all those calories from that out of sell by date doughnut..:biggrin:

Davywalnuts said:
Finished on just over 180miles, a new pb, of which thanks stevevw and tc 1&2 fir Letting me draft them


pre-talced and mighty
what a mess!

We sheltered under Constitution Arch as rider after rider reported delays en route. We didn't get away until 12.25, and the first puncture must have been about 12.35. And so it went on, with more punctures at Ilford and beyond.

Running the ride was a bit of a struggle. I should have sent some of the riders immediately behind me back a bit, because they were getting in the way of the wayfinding operation, and we were short of clued-up wayfinders and TECs. Not doing that did, I think, contributed to the problems User10571 had after I'd left the ride. Having said that, we weren't under pressure for time, and I was perfectly content running at about 13mph down the A1306 when another call from the TECs came in and I shouted 'easy' and pulled to the left to stop. And that's when it kicked off...

The bunch slowed, shouts of easy rang out, but two (very experienced) riders who'd been doing the very thing the ride was about, chatting to each other, slid in to the back of the pair in front. And one of the pair in front, Andrew Am, bashed his arm on the tarmac. I sent the first bunch off, zipped back to Andrew's bunch, who were watching the poor lad rubbing his arm and getting his sensibilites together, and then escorted them to Junction 31 before riding back to the puncture group who had just expended five innertubes on one wheel.

Kevin, having decided the fates were against him (I suspect the tyre was either de-beading, or a piece of the web had worked it's way loose, and was puncturing the tube) jumped in a cab, and the rest of the puncture group raced on to Junction 31 where.......

Andrew had just keeled over. So the Haymarket crew laid him out on the floor and talked to him, while I called an ambulance, which arrived (after some time) and Andrew was tended by the paramedics, first on the floor, and then in the ambulance.

So I bad farewell to the ride. User10571 led them off in to the night, and Katie and I waited for the paremedics to decide what to do. After a bit under an hour they decided not to take him to hospital, so we called my local cab company, who, happily, had a people carrier in Barking which was with us in no time, and we took Andrew back to Kingston, not knowing whether to leave him in peace, or talk about this or that to make him aware that we were still there.

I called Mrs Andrew a little before we arrived, and the boy and his bike were unloaded, and Katie and I taken back to Streatham.

I had kept in touch with various bits of the ride and the Rose Restaurant on the cab journey home, and did go up to Fenchurch Street to greet some of the returnees (and one in particular) so I realised the ride had broken up. My failing had been not to gather everybody around and to insist that the second half be run in a certain way, and not to warn User10571 that we were short on experience....

I rang Andrew's house last night, and he answered the phone, which was both a surprise and a relief. He sounded very quiet, and his arm hurt up and down, but he thought he wouldn't need any more treatment. I'll probably call him again on Monday and see how he's getting on, and let you know.

And now the report to my DA. I've got an e-mail from the rider who went in to the back of Andrew, but if any of you saw what happened perhaps you'd let me know via a pm.


Well that was interesting, in a fun kind of way. To have so many things happen on one ride was just unlucky. I still had a good time though. It was a night of firsts for many I think; the first ambulance (was it?) on a ride, the first time Leggy did not complete the ride, the first time we lost the front AND back of the ride......but nonetheless, we (mostly) all made it.

I hope Andrew is OK – GWS and hope the elbow heals well and quickly.

Rain – was a bit meh and unexpectedly heavy. People were getting wet and cold and wanted to press on, but we kept getting held up by....

P*nct*r*s – we’ve dealt with them before on rides, and we’ll deal with them again. But so many! 5 for poor old Kevin – what was going on there? Some of the country’s finest couldn’t figure it out after 4 shiny new inner tubes blew up, quite literally, in our faces!!! :sad: Clearly we had an infestation on the ride. Some of us even discussed evasive action, involving fire and nekkid dancing...but maybe that is for another thread. As Matthew points out, it was the blasted fairy that led to us effectively losing the back of the ride; the TECs and the Waymarkers....

The TECs – never ever ever underestimate the importance of these guys. Leading a ride is one thing, but you are nothing without those at the back. Not only do they sweep up those in trouble/distress, they pick up the waymarkers. Unfortunately, a slightly different route choice meant that they ended up separated and in front of the ride.

Waymarkers – the ride seemed a little light on experienced hands last night, but as ever, there were lots of willing volunteers to help out. Unfortunately some of them got left manning a junction waiting for a call of “all up” that never came. Thankfully, when the ride stopped in Pitsea, top chap Tom offered to cycle back and sweep them all up.

At this point the ride was a little fragmented and effectively in 3 groups; a group of TECs ahead of the main peloton; a scattering of waymarkers behind us that Tom was sweeping up, and the main peloton. After Ian dealt with a prangled spoke, we pressed on to Southend. And then I think, we became 4 groups as some pushed ahead of the front of the peloton, but took a wrong turn, following, understandably enough, signs to Southend rather than the A13 to Benfleet.

And so the ride turned up in dribs and drabs to the Rose. But we all got there and were fed and watered very well by Chris and his team. As always, lots of smiling faces everywhere :sad:
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