Fridays Tour 2013?

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pre-talced and mighty
here's the deal. If LonJoG comes off, then everybody will say 'what about next year?' Or, maybe, 'top that!'.

Now, to begin with, one thinks 'bigger, better, further, more exotic' but that's going to take some doing, and, if I'm really honest, I'm so in love with cycling in England, that, if I'm going to organise a tour, then I'd like it to be in England. Which is not to say, by the way, that if someone were to have a quiet word and say 'leave this to me - we're going to Germany/France/Nepal and I'm going to sort the lot' that I wouldn't be interested - but, for me, England is it.

But not all of England. Not, to be plain, anything south and west of a line from (say) Poole to Manchester to Morecambe. Actually the more east the better. Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Durham (possibly), Northumberland.

So, my thought is a kind of seaside trip, taking in places like Felixstowe, Southwold, Cleethorpes, Hull, Whitby, Coldstream and Edinburgh. A slow tour. A beer tour. A tour on which absolutely nobody loses weight.

Any thoughts?


Openly Marxist
a kind of seaside trip. A beer tour.

Is it a trick question? I'm in.


Chief Kebab Taster
I like!

So roll on next year when there's no Olympics messing me about..

And so timescales.. 10 days, two weeks..? Lots can be done.

My 4th revised tour plans last year was a figure of eight, slanted more to the East, but took in great sights.

I'll post the route Monday when am back at a desk top..

My 1st planned route took me down the West'ish of France to Northern Spain then to Santander'ish and a Ferry back to Blighty... But foreign logistics done my head in!

And in Blighty, theres no Euros...


here's the deal. If LonJoG comes off, then everybody will say 'what about next year?' Or, maybe, 'top that!'.

Now, to begin with, one thinks 'bigger, better, further, more exotic' but that's going to take some doing, and, if I'm really honest, I'm so in love with cycling in England, that, if I'm going to organise a tour, then I'd like it to be in England. Which is not to say, by the way, that if someone were to have a quiet word and say 'leave this to me - we're going to Germany/France/Nepal and I'm going to sort the lot' that I wouldn't be interested - but, for me, England is it.

But not all of England. Not, to be plain, anything south and west of a line from (say) Poole to Manchester to Morecambe. Actually the more east the better. Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Durham (possibly), Northumberland.

So, my thought is a kind of seaside trip, taking in places like Felixstowe, Southwold, Cleethorpes, Hull, Whitby, Coldstream and Edinburgh. A slow tour. A beer tour. A tour on which absolutely nobody loses weight.

Any thoughts?

What have you got against the south west??? Did someone once force you to drink cider? I'm sure there's lots of lovely spots along the south coast. Or Wales, for that matter.

But that aside, what a splendid idea.


Dog on a bike
Try to avoid the end of July and I'm in!


Here for rides.
1826337 said:
With no compulsory near death experience.
I think the near death experience will be an optional extra, for those who are feeling a little jaded after a long winter.

It's perked me up no end.:whistle:


slower but further
But DZ please assure me this is just the first step in the training programme for the 2014 T-Bone/Sipping Whisky SF/NY Fest you did suggest ...


I have a Pacific Highway jaunt planned for next year, and LEL so unless the very-understanding Mrs rb58 starts riding a bike and come along too, then I doubt I'd be able to do this too. Shame, coz it certainly sounds interesting.


Dog on a bike
I have a Pacific Highway jaunt planned for next year, and LEL so unless the very-understanding Mrs rb58 starts riding a bike and come along too, then I doubt I'd be able to do this too. Shame, coz it certainly sounds interesting.
Pacific highway? on a bike?
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