Friendly cyclists

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Carol C

New Member
East Yorkshire
Readers of these pages will know that I haven't been cycling long but so far fellow cyclists have been ever so friendly; even the ones just cycling past have said hello. And you members of Cycle Chat are very friendly and helpful - thanks guys.:smile:



Pass it on, Carol. ^_^

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Around here (well especially nearer Cambridge), they look at you as if you are mental if you acknowledge them. Doesn't bother me one bit though the miserable bar stewards. I sometimes wonder if it's something in the water down there. Soon as you get closer to Norfolk, it's a different story- dead friendly.
Carol C

Carol C

New Member
East Yorkshire
Around here (well especially nearer Cambridge), they look at you as if you are mental if you acknowledge them. Doesn't bother me one bit though the miserable bar stewards. I sometimes wonder if it's something in the water down there. Soon as you get closer to Norfolk, it's a different story- dead friendly.
We Yorkshire folk are friendly as well
Carol C

Carol C

New Member
East Yorkshire
Yorkshire - If yer do owt for nowt, do it fer thee self. :smile:
Eeh, bah gum!


Legendary Member
NE England
I often pull up by the side of the road to, err... Mmm... shall me say... commune with nature, enjoy the view, do a bit of bird watching or just get my breath back. Practically every cyclist that passes me will ask if I'm OK. The odd one that doesn't is so rare that I'm surprised when they don't.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I often pull up by the side of the road to, err... Mmm... shall me say... commune with nature, enjoy the view, do a bit of bird watching or just get my breath back. Practically every cyclist that passes me will ask if I'm OK. The odd one that doesn't is so rare that I'm surprised when they don't.
Fascinating that nature is so much better to commune with when half-way up a steep hill. Never the same on the flat, is it?


Senior Member
I always smile and acknowledge other cyclists, it makes me happy and if it makes someone else smile too then that has to be a good thing.
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