Friendly cyclists

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Carol C

Carol C

New Member
East Yorkshire
I always smile and acknowledge other cyclists, it makes me happy and if it makes someone else smile too then that has to be a good thing.
You know what they say- If you see someone without a smile, give them yours


Perhaps I just look particularly unworthy of a greeting as I find it can be quite hard going to illicit a friendly "hello" from passing cyclists. Perhaps it's because I ride mostly in an urban setting and cyclists here are just like everyone else and a bit guarded. Or maybe it's because I'm on a work-a-day hybrid bike which I use primaraly as cheap efficient transport rather than for any lofty ideals such as exercise or sport or planet saving.

There seems to be a little more camaradery between say the fixed wheel fraternity and sorority or the kitted out road bike community but I find that in Leicester the general "how do you do" factor to be quite low, which is odd consodering the very healthy and consistent Critical Mass that takes place every month.

It's probably just me.


Well-Known Member
I know I'll be shouted down for this but I genuinely find that there is a difference between those who cycle for pleasure and many of those who commute. Those out on a Sunday morning will always say hello but those commuting are less than happy. Is it becuase they are cycling because they have to or it makes economical sense rather than any real pleasure at being on a bike.
I'll divide commuters even more. Those on expensive or well loved bikes probably fit into the willing cyclist group whereas the fat bloke on a pink full susser from Motorworld with no brakes or lights doesn't really want to be on a bike.
Stereotypes and generalisations I know but I bet I am right.
Oh yeah. Packs of lads on expensive down hill bikes lurking in the woods never speak to me when I am out on my CX bike. Perhaps theiir mums tell them not to speak to strangers. ^_^


The only group in my experience that are completely ignorant always are the hardcore MTB lot. I suppose it stands to reason that a sport which is a bit extreme and devil may care and has a lot of bravado where they bomb down a mountain bouncing off rocks and kicking stuff out the way will attract, in my opinion, quite a few cocks. I dare say they'll then put their MTB's on the back of their Subaru Imprezza's, gangster rap/Euro crap music full blast and they wont bother indicating as they exit the car park.


Über Member
I all ways say hello or hi to other cyclist on my commute and head nod to those on the other side of the road, I even say hi to the lollypop man on top of the Wolverhampton Road in Brum :smile: but then he always says hi to me.
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