Froome and Wiggins TUEs

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thanks for posting this long and comprehensive article it explains things I wanted to know, :okay: (by the way who's tucker ?)
Too be honest a friend sent me the link,im not really familiar with Tucker myself.A few interesting points though ? Most things i read by "experts" on Froome I take with a pinch of salt.Im optimistic that it'll come good in the end,justice will prevail blah blah...I hope should I say.



“That’s a blow to cycling’s reputation, the individual athlete’s reputation. You only need to look at Twitter feeds and the comments below articles and people will make up their own mind based on not having the full evidence, which is a shame.

“I would rather that information hadn’t been leaked and we were able to deal either with a situation where an athlete is banned and then as a national governing body it’s pretty clear what our position is. Or, alternatively, where the athlete was able to prove a real reason for that AAF and carry on with their careers as normal.”

I'm not so sure she hasn't got a point. Everyone deserves the chance to prepare a robust defence but in any walk of life, failing to deal with a situation in a timely manner almost always makes it worse.
I'm not so sure she hasn't got a point. Everyone deserves the chance to prepare a robust defence but in any walk of life, failing to deal with a situation in a timely manner almost always makes it worse.
They cannae even present a robust defence when given time, Jiffy Bag-gate being a good example and this latest one adds to the "no defence so stay silent and point fingers at the people reporting it" approach. I bet SirDave is working out a hand signal routine for his next BBC "grilling"...


They cannae even present a robust defence when given time, Jiffy Bag-gate being a good example and this latest one adds to the "no defence so stay silent and point fingers at the people reporting it" approach. I bet SirDave is working out a hand signal routine for his next BBC "grilling"...
Yeah true, which I find very disappointing. I was trying to be fair without pre-judging anything, but that becomes more difficult with each passing day.


Failed Tech Bro
“That’s a blow to cycling’s reputation, the individual athlete’s reputation. You only need to look at Twitter feeds and the comments below articles and people will make up their own mind based on not having the full evidence, which is a shame.

“I would rather that information hadn’t been leaked and we were able to deal either with a situation where an athlete is banned and then as a national governing body it’s pretty clear what our position is. Or, alternatively, where the athlete was able to prove a real reason for that AAF and carry on with their careers as normal.”

I'm not so sure she hasn't got a point. Everyone deserves the chance to prepare a robust defence but in any walk of life, failing to deal with a situation in a timely manner almost always makes it worse.
I was a bit cryptic in the last post, but she seems to be whinging about not being able to control the narrative, rather than genuine concern about Sky and Froome's behaviour. There was a gap of, what, 3-4 months between the test and the findings being leaked? I'm surprised and impressed the lid stayed on that long.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I was a bit cryptic in the last post, but she seems to be whinging about not being able to control the narrative, rather than genuine concern about Sky and Froome's behaviour. There was a gap of, what, 3-4 months between the test and the findings being leaked? I'm surprised and impressed the lid stayed on that long.
So is anyone else now wondering what doping narratives football (where JH came from) are controlling?
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