Gaz down in Streatham

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slower but further
SE London
I'd be surprised if you can't arrange to have an interpreter present when you sit your driving test
I guess Welsh speakers can take the test in Welsh (in Wales). BSL folks also get licences so speaking English is not a strict requirement. Also my command of Spanish, French & Serbo-Croat may possibly desert me if I prang over there! ...
And - without wishing to delve too much into stereotypes - I would echo the question raised by someone above, about what kind of licence this guy held, given his complete lack of English.

If the guy had decanted from his vehicle and asked "I say old boy, are you ok?" Gaz would have held him at arm's length while he described youtube in detail..! :biggrin:

Amanda P

Legendary Member
Here's one I had, with the driver looking down in his footwell, which explains why he could not see a MaXx-D 4 x 3W front LED headlight on flash:

That video, and Gaz's, point out clearly to me the extra nuisance of drivers exiting from turns to the left not stopping at the stop line but waiting half-way out into the nearside lane. One more hazard to be avoided, and one which forces a cyclist towards the outside of the lane, where they're more vulnerable to numpties approaching from the right - where they can't always be seen.

If it's hard to see out, a little "creep 'n' peep" is OK, but in neither video was it hard to see out. They just couldn't be bothered to stop where they should.

Bad luck Gaz. Hope you get back on the bike right soon.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Just seen this as i am on night shift.

Wishing you a speedy recovery !!

And sod Gaz he can heal is the bike ok? :rolleyes:.

From the clip i would say its the drivers fault, he could not see if the route was clear and would probably have hit a bus if it had been there, i am sure gaz was cycling responsibly.
As for apportioning blame. Gaz it's clearly your fault as you had the perfect opportunity to look cool by bunny hopping over his bonnet ;) Perhaps we need some jump ramps in cycle lanes before each junction?

Hope the back's ok.


As Easy As Riding A Bike

Well-Known Member
Christ knows.

Let me remind you. It flows directly from your claim that the accident was a "50/50".

Someone was asking you whether - if the driver in question had, without checking whether the bus lane was clear, turned across the path of a bus driving along it, and had been smashed into - you would still maintain it was a "50/50".

Would you?


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
When a vehicle is turning right across three lanes of traffic, Hackers, who is supposed to give way? The oncoming traffic, or the vehicle turning right?


extimus uero philosophus
Christ knows.

Not really. There is just as much danger to drivers from buses. Taking a turn across a junction like that is immesurably stupid and wreckless. Many years back I saw a bus sat on top of a car bonet where a driver made a similar mistake (the road layout as it had been is now different so unfortunately I cant show you on google streetview the viewpoint of the driver)

A car with a low seating position will not be able to see over a transit van to see oncoming cyclists, motorcyclists and yes even single decker and low profile buses. Motorised buslane users will be doing between 20-25mph on average, and with a for bit of unstoppable weight behind it. A black cab is near 1 ton in weight iirc, due to the body work, disabled access etc.

He would then be facing at the least a charge of without due care for endangering not only the other driver but many passengers. I have been on a bus that has had to take such a hard brake to avoid an idiot like this, that people flew out of the chairs. I would imagine he's facing that now.

Some people here are confusing risk mitigation with fault. The driver legally and morally is responsible for ensuring that he takes the turn safely, does not force others to deviate or brake, or collide with them. Rule 180 of the Highway Code covers this. So do other aspects of it.

People are just human beings. Gaz, the same as any other rider (whether thats me, you BB, Lee or just that bloke you often see out and about) is never going to have avoided that, all the more reason for a driver to take care in adverse conditions - the cold, dark and wet is distracting enough to drivers, let alone some cyclists.

Even if the van driver has flashed him out, it is still the responsibility of the driver who wishes to turn to make sure that it is safe to proceed. The responsibility does not pass on to the van driver, the van driver is meerly indicating to the other that "I wont advance, you can attempt a turn if you wish."

There is no insurance firm on the planet that would professionally assess that as 50/50. They may try their luck, but they know where fault lies.

As Easy As Riding A Bike

Well-Known Member
No, I'm sorry. I'm not going to respect your opinion. I respect your right to have an opinion, but that does not compel me to treat whatever you say with deference.

So, to repeat - what you have written is tripe.

Two motorists are driving along a dual carriageway, side by side. Both of them have impaired visibility of the situation - perhaps because of the low sun. Driver A moves into driver B's lane, causing a collision.

According to you, this would be a "50/50" because both parties have impaired visibility.

This is complete nonsense.

As Easy As Riding A Bike

Well-Known Member
Im talking about this incident im not talking about other incidents.


I have applied your logic directly to another, hypothetical, situation. It's called an analogy.

You think the impaired visibility of two parties automatically makes them equally responsible for a road collision, regardless of who should be giving way to who.

If you don't like me pointing out how absurd that opinion is, I suggest you change it.


extimus uero philosophus

I have applied your logic directly to another, hypothetical, situation. It's called an analogy.

You think the impaired visibility of two parties automatically makes them equally responsible for a road collision, regardless of who should be giving way to who.

If you don't like me pointing out how absurd that opinion is, I suggest you change it.

LOL!! Sorry but that is brilliant!

I agree with you, if something is wrong it needs to be dissected and shown why. I think you and others on here have done well in that, though I think this is going to be like blood from a stone..
If it was me cycling along the bus lane, I would like to think I would anticipate this kind of thing happening. But as Gaz said the gap opened quite quickly and the offending vehicle came through without due care and Gaz was unable to stop in time.
IMHO not Gaz's fault at all and certainly not 50/50.
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